
53 回覆
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2018-02-09 02:35:03
How do you know what to look at?
2018-02-09 09:36:05

gonna be another interesting day

read the annual report, or at least the press release and presentation. it helps
2018-02-09 09:43:08
I read 5 year annual report actually
2018-02-09 09:58:37
then u should know what they use to measure the operation matrix
2018-02-09 12:51:56
I see they all have a part mention how many planes and which types they get!
2018-02-10 22:58:36
2018-02-11 12:07:22
2018-02-11 18:40:07
2018-02-14 10:02:13
monthly operating stat came out yesterday if u wanna go fundamental u should look at what they show u and think why they show u this and y is important. read between the lines...
2018-02-15 08:53:59
I will see what I can learn from that it’s so hard
But do you keep track of their monthly data every month?
2018-02-15 14:32:03
let the sell sides worry about monthly data they can write the summary and other bs
what matters is the trend really not the data itself
2018-02-15 18:19:11
I like your commment
Please comment more! So educational
2018-02-16 10:06:16
2018-02-16 10:08:01
2018-02-16 10:10:45
2018-02-16 11:18:16
我知 好努力學習緊
2018-02-16 12:06:13
航空業profit margin 不嬲都低架啦
2018-02-16 12:19:58
以前唔知 睇睇下有好多行業都好低
2018-02-16 12:48:38
Hedging/油價/機種/航線/seasonal factor/票價/debt structure
2018-02-16 14:24:12
Seasonal factor and debt structure 努力嘗試下
2018-02-16 14:26:11
投資大 風險大 回報細
2018-02-16 14:57:19
2018-02-16 16:06:34
take a look at indigo in, aira mk or Ryan air, LCC is actually pretty interesting. those us airlines turned around pretty nicely pass few years actually.
2018-02-16 17:29:58
You seem to be an expert in aviation industry
2018-03-17 18:26:48
支持! suggest 你可以做左熱門的價值股先。
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞