[5分鷹速入] 2017-2018 冬季轉會情報 8

1001 回覆
7 Like 3 Dislike
2018-01-27 21:50:44
2018-01-27 22:18:33
2018-01-28 00:37:00
Dortmund sporting director Michael Zorc says they’ll sell Aubameyang if Arsenal pay the asking price. Dortmund want £60m. Arsenal last offer £50m
2018-01-28 01:33:04
#Sassuolo, #Carnevali: "Politano wants to leave for #Napoli but we have to think about what's best for the club"
2018-01-28 01:33:32
#Stöger über @Aubameyang7: "Er hat schon bessere Tage gehabt. Wir haben es aber auch nicht geschafft, in ins Spiel zu bringen. Über seine Zukunft kann ich nichts sagen." #BVBSCF
2018-01-28 01:36:03
2018-01-28 01:42:23
2018-01-28 01:42:56
According to @umbro, New York City FC and USA midfielder Mix Diskerud has joined Manchester City on a 4 ½ year deal.
2018-01-28 01:43:08
2018-01-28 01:45:26
2018-01-28 01:48:22
2018-01-28 01:49:23
He has a better day. However, we did not try to participate in the game. I can not say his future.
2018-01-28 01:49:59
2018-01-28 01:52:56
2018-01-28 02:16:51
PSG chairman & CEO Nasser Al-Khelaifi to Canal+ on Neymar leaving at the end of the season (for Real Madrid): "Not on your life!" #PSGMHSC
2018-01-28 02:17:35
Pietro Pellegri has just signed his contract with Monaco. €25M to Genoa for the striker (2001!). ☑️ #transfers

而家d 00後...
2018-01-28 02:19:05
2018-01-28 02:19:40
2018-01-28 02:23:20
2018-01-28 02:24:20
球星去PSG份約冇release clause基本上都要完約先走到
2018-01-28 02:26:01
2018-01-28 02:26:24
Pietro Pellegri has just signed his contract with Monaco. €25M to Genoa for the striker (2001!). ☑️ #transfers

而家d 00後...

2018-01-28 02:33:25
2018-01-28 02:40:17
John Percy‏Verified account

Stoke have made a £14m bid for Galatasaray midfielder Badou Ndiaye. Still some work to do on it. Talks ongoing with New York City FC over a possible deal for Jack Harrison #scfc
2018-01-28 02:44:34
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞