留學生租屋 - full time students do not need to pay council tax (差 餉 ) in the UK.
HKG32018-01-14 04:08:44
要交稅嗎 - yes! Most companies in the UK operates the Pay As You Earn (PAYE) system in which your income tax and National Insurance contributions are taken out of your gross wage before it goes to your bank account. What goes to your bank account is your net income.
我想去冰島2018-01-14 05:05:57
民建聯好假既肥仔2018-01-14 06:35:19
做 sales
高瘦身材正2018-01-14 15:54:37
我係全英最多雨ge city
做過china town,6磅半一個鐘
Lujuria2018-01-14 20:07:22
男神收唔收兵2018-01-14 20:40:50
曹子健2018-01-15 01:21:17
一開始得netwest 肯批,但有一間之後申請其他就好方便
成日打飛機2018-01-16 18:49:26
琴日岩岩開始咗UK working holiday 嘅生活,有好多野擔憂同埋唔知自己去working holiday 呢個決定有無錯
HKG32018-01-17 02:01:21
Don't worry - even if it was the 'wrong' decision, it is too late to change it now. Make the best out of your working holiday here in the UK. Good luck!
成日打飛機2018-01-17 02:47:10
Thanks mate, I was just depressed....but I’m better now.
又要世界末日2018-01-17 02:53:43
新年快樂呀大師傅2018-01-17 02:53:43
HKG32018-01-18 02:09:06
Being depress does not solve anything. Have you got a job now? You can always try your luck at the local Chinese restaurant or take away shops.
阿簡2018-01-18 02:57:23
有個tg working holiday group , 人唔多
成日打飛機2018-01-18 05:05:24
Not yet, cuz just found living place and called for NI, next step is open bank account, after that I’ll find job, i don’t have any barriers for job seeking, so it should okay.
單戀也是正常2018-01-18 07:10:41
HKG32018-01-19 02:14:14
You can use your NI number letter from the DWP as proof of address to open a bank account in the TSB.