來源係daily mail,點睇呀保守派,世衛係咪又拗唔過你啲point
來源係daily mail 都咁大聲講
p.s. 巴打你睇清楚WHO 篇原文先啦
我無話中文果篇岩呀 你可以笑個來源既,不過我會笑左呢個post對成癮性既妖魔化先
真。禁極刀巴打係隔離post 都post 左次原文
Cannabidiol (CBD)
There is increased interest from Member States in the use of cannabis for medical indications including for palliative care. Responding to that interest and increase in use, WHO has in recent years gathered more robust scientific evidence on therapeutic use and side effects of cannabis and cannabis components.
To that end, the ECDD did an initial review of a cannabis compound called cannabidiol (CBD). Recent evidence from animal and human studies shows that its use could have some therapeutic value for seizures due to epilepsy and related conditions. Current evidence also shows that cannabidiol is not likely to be abused or create dependence as for other cannabinoids (such as Tetra Hydro Cannabinol (THC), for instance). The ECDD therefore concluded that current information does not justify scheduling of cannabidiol and postponed a fuller review of cannabidiol preparations to May 2018, when the committee will undertake a comprehensive review of cannabis and cannabis related substances