[League of Legends][142] 馬仔回鄉探親

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2017-12-05 11:04:52
2017-12-05 11:05:29
Khan is suspended for one LCK series and fined ₩1,000,000 for unprofessional behaviour in soloqueue.

笑撚死, 條on9做左咩柒事?
2017-12-05 11:11:03

2017-12-05 11:12:15
Khan is suspended for one LCK series and fined ₩1,000,000 for unprofessional behaviour in soloqueue.

笑撚死, 條on9做左咩柒事?

2017-12-05 11:12:30
2017-12-05 11:15:01
Khan is suspended for one LCK series and fined ₩1,000,000 for unprofessional behaviour in soloqueue.

笑撚死, 條on9做左咩柒事?

He was deliberately saying"4 Chinese can't win"while he know that there are overseas pro-players on the same team
2017-12-05 11:15:22
4 kvole cant win
2017-12-05 11:24:17
2017-12-05 11:29:27
4 7ss cant was
2017-12-05 11:33:00
4 7ss cant was

2017-12-05 11:46:02
4 7ss cant CLG
2017-12-05 11:52:28
Khan is suspended for one LCK series and fined ₩1,000,000 for unprofessional behaviour in soloqueue.

笑撚死, 條on9做左咩柒事?

He was deliberately saying"4 Chinese can't win"while he know that there are overseas pro-players on the same team

佢同4個大陸仔同隊, 之後話4個中國佬一隊無可能贏? 最後贏撚左兼比大陸仔舉報佢?
2017-12-05 13:11:56
2017-12-05 13:15:36
2017-12-05 13:18:19
4 7ss wac
2017-12-05 13:23:39
4 7ss wac

2017-12-05 13:39:37
4 7ss wac

2017-12-05 13:42:51
u mom boom
2017-12-05 13:46:13
u mom boom

2017-12-05 13:48:54
2017-12-05 13:55:22

2017-12-05 14:05:15
2017-12-05 14:08:19
2017-12-05 14:15:23
2017-12-05 14:17:48

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