U should learn multi tasking... do your own job during lecture.. School means little society. When you start work after grad, you will find 99% of meeting is wasting time but you have to attend let people know your presence. When you become boss, your associate will have same feeling then.... everything... repeat...
唔太識但試下改啦 不過講真巴打唔識英文就唔好亂用啦![]()
You should learn multi-tasking. University is a miniature society where you have to attend boring lectures. The same goes when you start working, where you have to attend numerous pointless meetings. The viscous cycle repeats when you became the manager and your colleagues are forced to attend those meetings. Hence, it is better that you practice starting from now.![]()
You should learn how to multitask...do your own stuff in lectures....School is analogous to the microcosm of society. When you start working after graduation, you will find 99% meetings are wasting your time. Yet, you have to show up for the meetings to make your presence known. If you become a boss, you associates will feel the same as you do now. Then, everything....would just repeat....endlessly, eternally, and pathetically...
普通溝通你用呢d vocab 做乜9
呢兩位巴打, 其實普通英文對答唔洗下下都拋咁多vocab

第一頁個巴打英文係屎左小小 但未至於聽唔明囉