屌那星 個program leader教leature 真係廢到仆街
明明勁精神入去上堂 聽左半個鐘就想瞓
U should learn multi tasking... do your own job during lecture.. School means little society. When you start work after grad, you will find 99% of meeting is wasting time but you have to attend let people know your presence. When you become boss, your associate will have same feeling then.... everything... repeat...
明就得啦屌你老母 不過我都好耐無上叻牆 走撚曬
中學個陣啲老師教人英文進步方法係lunch time同朋友食飯用英文溝通
U should learn multi tasking... do your own job during lecture.. School means little society. When you start work after grad, you will find 99% of meeting is wasting time but you have to attend let people know your presence. When you become boss, your associate will have same feeling then.... everything... repeat...
U should learn multi tasking... do your own job during lecture.. School means little society. When you start work after grad, you will find 99% of meeting is wasting time but you have to attend let people know your presence. When you become boss, your associate will have same feeling then.... everything... repeat...
人地上 lecture 係方便埋堆溝女神
你 ? 係囉 又真係幾浪費時間
人地溝女嗰啲一早走晒啲堂去搞莊玩soc溝女啦 你?上堂去溝囉
U should learn multi tasking... do your own job during lecture.. School means little society. When you start work after grad, you will find 99% of meeting is wasting time but you have to attend let people know your presence. When you become boss, your associate will have same feeling then.... everything... repeat...
明就得啦屌你老母 不過我都好耐無上叻牆 走撚曬
lecture本來係幾個人圍爐跟教授用對話形式學野.而家成百幾二百人一齊上撚學到野咩 問多條問題都俾人嫌阻住佢地落堂
唔一定既,有D LECTURER講書講到好撚charm,上佢堂根本係享受黎