有咩英文字好相似 好易令人混淆意思?

137 回覆
16 Like 4 Dislike
2017-08-31 08:35:40
2017-08-31 10:20:38
Proceed process

Proceed 進行
Process 處理 (都可以做noun)

You may proceed聽得多
有冇人講you may process

1.You may proceed the order now
2.You may process the order now

2017-08-31 10:31:11
唔淨係指串法上 而係意思上好容易撈亂 導致用錯

Intense vs Tense

Conception vs Perception

Ensure vs Assure

Comfort vs Concole

Persume vs assume

Lately vs Recently

以上有d自己混淆過 有d見人用錯過 仲有冇其他字你地會突登走去查下



Lately好似有少少持續性既意思 recently就涵蓋大d 可以講單一件過左去既事 同埋持續做梗既野都得

I have been talking to her a lot lately / recently.
I talked to her recently.
I have recently talked to her.

I talked to her lately.
I have talked to her lately.

I haven't called and talked to her lately / recently .

2017-08-31 10:36:37
concole係咩字 ?
2017-08-31 11:51:35
唔淨係指串法上 而係意思上好容易撈亂 導致用錯

Intense vs Tense

Conception vs Perception

Ensure vs Assure

Comfort vs Concole

Persume vs assume

Lately vs Recently

以上有d自己混淆過 有d見人用錯過 仲有冇其他字你地會突登走去查下



Sorry 兩個都串錯左 想打console & presume
2017-08-31 11:53:38
唔淨係指串法上 而係意思上好容易撈亂 導致用錯

Intense vs Tense

Conception vs Perception

Ensure vs Assure

Comfort vs Concole

Persume vs assume

Lately vs Recently

以上有d自己混淆過 有d見人用錯過 仲有冇其他字你地會突登走去查下



Lately好似有少少持續性既意思 recently就涵蓋大d 可以講單一件過左去既事 同埋持續做梗既野都得

I have been talking to her a lot lately / recently.
I talked to her recently.
I have recently talked to her.

I talked to her lately.
I have talked to her lately.

I haven't called and talked to her lately / recently .


有時我都係 有時兩句野睇落有一句覺得冇咁順就知錯
2017-08-31 11:54:45
converse inverse reverse
2017-08-31 11:58:17
我之前查過 assume vs presume

presume 係由前因後果推測出黎
assume 就係乜都無直接假設

我之前仲查過話 assume係假設事件 presume就假設人 但宜家又搵唔返條link

2017-08-31 12:05:23
Proceed process

Proceed 進行
Process 處理 (都可以做noun)

You may proceed聽得多
有冇人講you may process

1.You may proceed the order now
2.You may process the order now


You may proceed the order.

You may process the data submitted from our customers.
2017-08-31 12:08:34
Macaron vs macaroni

Alterate vs alternate
2017-08-31 12:08:40
Proceed process

Proceed 進行
Process 處理 (都可以做noun)

You may proceed聽得多
有冇人講you may process

1.You may proceed the order now
2.You may process the order now


我咁睇啦 你想叫人做張單你可以講;
1. Please proceed with xxx
2. Please process xxx
2017-08-31 12:08:48
Responding Vs Responsive
Volunteer VS Voluntary
Access VS Assess
Effect VS Affect VS Affection Vs effective vs affective
Assure VS reassure vs ensure
Rise vs raise vs arouse
Justify vs verify vs testify
Success vs successive
Sequential vs Consequential
Collect vs retrieve vs receive
2017-08-31 12:13:01
我之前查過 assume vs presume

presume 係由前因後果推測出黎
assume 就係乜都無直接假設

我之前仲查過話 assume係假設事件 presume就假設人 但宜家又搵唔返條link


2017-08-31 12:31:22
Desert dessert
2017-08-31 12:32:07
Reject refuse
request require

Refuse Reject Decline

Refuse 通常簡單跟住個action 代表你唔接受做果樣野
I refused to follow his rules.
I refused to pay the rent.

To reject a proposal = to refuse to accept it
Reject 可以跟住一樣要求 代表你拒絕接受做果個要求內既野 / 都可以簡單跟住一個名詞
I rejected his request for more time to pay the rent.
I rejected the plan.

Decline 比 Refuse formal d 解有禮貌地拒絕做一樣野
He offered me a job but I declined it.
I declined his help politely when he said he offered to pay my rent.

Reject 仲可以做名詞 = 不被接受 / 被拒絕既野
That dress is a reject. That's why it's so cheap.
2017-08-31 12:51:58
Solve同Resolve 其實有無分別

Solve is used to find the correct answer to a problem; resolve is used more generally to conclude a problem.

Solve 係解決左個問題 搵到最正確既答案
I solved a maths problem.
I solved a riddle.

Resolve 係用方法settle或總結左個問題 果個問題可以係一場糾紛or爭論 包含少少決定既性質 但果個方法唔一定係咁多方法中最令人滿意或最適合
I resolved their conflict.
They resolved my problem of returning the goods within 30 days.
2017-08-31 12:57:16
2017-08-31 12:59:34
abroad 同 aboard
2017-08-31 13:02:25
beach bridge bitch
2017-08-31 13:03:27
face fate
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞