2025 Postgraduate 入學討論

704 回覆
8 Like 5 Dislike
2024-10-01 19:42:08
2024-10-02 13:40:06
有,請於系統內填寫推薦人嘅電郵,大學會直接以電郵告知推薦人點樣 Submit

For full-time research doctoral applicants, they are required to invite at least THREE referees to complete the Confidential Recommendations Report.

Notes for HKPFS applicants: (1) The referee should be familiar with the applicant's academic achievements and research ability. Persons from non-academic background are not considered as appropriate academic referees; (2) It is important that the referee provides his/her academic or professional email address; (3) If the referee would like to attach a reference letter or include supplementary information on separate sheets, please do so on the official letterhead of the referee's institution or organization.

After successfully submitted the application, applicants can input information of the referees through the Online Application System for Postgraduate Programmes. The University will send invitations for confidential recommendations to the referees.

For applicants applying for other postgraduate programmes, the number of referees required is TWO and the same procedures as above apply.
2024-10-03 21:52:39
2024-10-04 00:15:44
International Relations 有冇清
2024-10-04 00:22:37
HKU or CU?
2024-10-04 01:25:19
2024-10-04 01:26:24
2024-10-04 02:25:44
想請教下如果cu文科畢業唔過3有冇機讀返本地文科taught PG
2024-10-05 23:57:01
一般幾時會出offer 好驚交漏/錯嘢
另外想問冇referee 算唔算大問題 冇搵到人做
2024-10-06 19:12:57
篇死人research plan 作到頭都痛
2024-10-06 20:12:52
Apply緊PhD Finance
2024-10-07 00:12:30
2024-10-07 00:35:02
2024-10-07 08:37:29
2024-10-07 09:59:02
taught master係咪比錢就讀得
三大sec low驚冇offer
2024-10-07 13:46:30
我八大second low仲驚無offer
2024-10-07 15:00:16
想問有無人知HKU master CS易唔易入
2024-10-07 15:39:44
2024-10-07 17:47:51
我都想讀CS MSc,但UG無乜點讀過CS讀唔讀得
2024-10-11 11:46:18
想問下CU MPUP算唔算熱門,打算PT讀,有無人報左可以交流下
2024-10-12 23:49:15
2024-10-13 14:46:38
2024-10-13 23:34:01
2024-10-14 00:38:16
難入好多? 搞到好驚no offer
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞