Throne seat 飛得多既一定知腳位超細, 而CX 反魚骨一大優勢就係腳位無限大, 比我揀飛 long haul 一定寧願普通反魚骨
唔係我9 up, 就咁search Swiss throne seat第一個result已經有講
There is one downside to these seats, though, for what it’s worth — the footwells are quite small. That’s because the reason these seats are so efficient is because the footwell is located between the seats in front.
而且呢D所謂 throne seat 仲要比錢揀, 唔課金就要同人痴住坐

CX J 就有一半位(所有窗口位)自己獨立, 唔洗比錢唔洗高卡係人都揀到