2024-04-11 15:46:42
唔覺古代就合理,歐洲嫁女係倒轉要送大量嫁妝(封地、爵位、財產、農奴等)畀男家,例如本來只有奧地利嘅哈布斯堡家族因為娶咗西格斯蒙德嘅獨生女從而繼承咗匈牙利、波希米亞同神聖羅馬帝國帝位,之後嗰幾代再陸續因為支系絕嗣以及聯姻又得到咗勃根第、意大利(部份)、西班牙同尼德蘭地區而開始咗哈布斯堡王朝。僅僅幾代人,西格斯蒙德死咗都未夠100年,哈布斯堡嘅查理五世嘅頭銜已經因為領地太多長到記唔到(完整頭銜:Charles, by the grace of God, Emperor of the Romans, forever August, King in (of) Germany, King of Italy, King of all Spains, of Castile, Aragon, León, of Hungary, of Dalmatia, of Croatia, Navarra, Grenada, Toledo, Valencia, Galicia, Majorca, Sevilla, Cordova, Murcia, Jaén, Algarves, Algeciras, Gibraltar, the Canary Islands, King of both Hither and Ultra Sicily, of Sardinia, Corsica, King of Jerusalem, King of the Indies, of the Islands and Mainland of the Ocean Sea, Archduke of Austria, Duke of Burgundy, Brabant, Lorraine, Styria, Carinthia, Carniola, Limburg, Luxembourg, Gelderland, Neopatria, Württemberg, Landgrave of Alsace, Prince of Swabia, Asturia and Catalonia, Count of Flanders, Habsburg, Tyrol, Gorizia, Barcelona, Artois, Burgundy Palatine, Hainaut, Holland, Seeland, Ferrette, Kyburg, Namur, Roussillon, Cerdagne, Drenthe, Zutphen, Margrave of the Holy Roman Empire, Burgau, Oristano and Gociano, Lord of Frisia, the Wendish March, Pordenone, Biscay, Molin, Salins, Tripoli and Mechelen.)