the year of shu.
the year of au.
the year of fu.
the year of too.
the year of she.
the year of ma.
the year of young.
the year of hau.
the year of G.
the year of gau.
the year of zue.
the year of loong.
the year of shu.
無名的詩2024-02-11 05:57:00
攞曾蔭權嚟比 即係明落超哥面啫
鹽焗韭菜2024-02-11 06:02:51
銀行call loan 賀龍年
連兔Rangers2024-02-11 07:48:35
龍is call loong
鳩拍蠔周打蜆2024-02-11 08:00:44
Joshua2024-02-11 09:44:27
快手2024-02-11 10:52:10
無米缸2024-02-11 11:22:56
驅蟑人2024-02-11 11:31:42
師父呀唔好攪咁多野喇 坐係度收40個咪算 我唔想去旅行比人笑呀
老野辛巴2024-02-11 11:52:38
捷克子彈2024-02-11 12:04:31
Thank you, and have a great Year of the "Loong", of the Dragon!
烙畢屍熟2024-02-11 13:50:35
鬼佬: loong=dragon
arhing882024-02-11 14:12:58
英文差係咁上下, 換着以前曾蔭權,曾俊華就唔會咁失禮
狸追2024-02-11 14:17:11
Call loan year ?
我們都是2024-02-11 14:19:10
大吉利是囉 大年初一燶燶聲
我們都是2024-02-11 14:20:23
正確英文 國際清晰明白
AoArz2024-02-11 14:23:54
Year of call loan
川澄綾子2024-02-11 14:25:47
loong , 驚外國人聽咗做loon
The word "loony" is an adjective that describes someone who is considered crazy or mentally unstable.