Formal ADHD Assessment and Diagnosis:
Officially, in Ontario, a formal assessment and diagnosis of ADHD can be provided by physicians, nurse practitioners, psychologists and some other allied health professionals with specialized training working under supervision.
In practice, because formal ADHD assessments for adults require special knowledge and skills, and take a lot of time, many physicians and nurse practitioners decline to offer this as a part of their practice. As a result, they are typically provided by psychologists working in private practice. This means that they aren’t covered by OHIP.
Most psychologists will quote between $2,400-3,500 for an assessment. It’s important to note, however, that there is no guarantee the result of this initial testing will be conclusive and the psychologist may have to recommend further testing at a further cost to make a final conclusion on the diagnosis.
If that sounds like a lot, it is. But it can definitely be beneficial. The psychologist will provide you with a detailed report that will explain how you work and learn best that you can use to develop strategies or request work or school accommodations. If you’d like to explore an assessment in London, here are some of the providers I would recommend: