5. Every person who carnally knows or attempts to have of girl between 13 carnal knowledge of any unmarried girl, being of or above the and 16 years age of thirteen years and under the age of sixteen years, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor:
Provided that, where both parties are Asiatics, a girl shall not be deemed to be unmarried within the meaning of this Ordinance if she is duly married according to the laws and customs of the native country of the girl.
Provided also, that no prosecution shall be commenced for an offence under this section more than twelve months after the commission of the offence.
會唔會係一有咗,佢哋即刻擺酒結婚成為傳統習俗上嘅夫妻,如果唔係個女仔去做產檢/ 生仔果時醫院知道有女童懷孕當時應該就報咗警。然後到條女夠16歲再入紙登記做法律上嘅夫妻?