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2024-01-13 04:23:48
2024-01-13 18:14:29
Ariana Grande's "yes, and?" debuts at #1 on both the global and US Spotify charts with 11.213 million and 3.011 million streams respectively earned on Friday, January 12th.
2024-01-13 18:31:15
BIGGEST career debut exactly
2024-01-13 18:34:26
2024-01-13 18:38:45
Taylor Swift紅到冇對手
2024-01-13 18:39:10
唔夠講就係到人身攻擊 你都幾低莊
2024-01-13 18:39:39
2024-01-13 18:44:32
明明冇人提Tay 你夾硬提佢又係點
Your business is yours and mine is mine
2024-01-13 18:47:05
‘J CHRIST’ by Lil Nas X debuts at #80 on Global Spotify with 1.777 million streams and #53 on US Spotify with 594k.
2024-01-13 18:50:22
無諗過US Spotify低過Olivia vampire 1M
2024-01-13 18:51:08
佢ga粉嚟㗎日日幫tay tay招黑
2024-01-13 21:23:20
Ariana Grande joins Taylor Swift as the only female artists to debut a solo song with more than 10 million streams on Spotify Global Chart.
2024-01-14 15:53:11
Biggest solo streaming debuts in Spotify history (counter):

#1. Anti-Hero 17.5m
#2. Lavender Haze 16.5m
#3. Maroon 14.4m
#4. yes, and? (NEW) 13.1m
2024-01-14 16:39:09

原來頭兩首都係Taylor喎 哎喲
2024-01-14 16:42:31
yes, and?
2024-01-14 16:43:26
Btw Maroon都係Taylor喎,你唔係唔知呀
2024-01-14 16:45:51
2024-01-14 17:37:33
Ariana Grande’s “yes, and?” remains #1 on global Spotify for a second consecutive day, earning 8.249 million streams on January 13th.
2024-01-14 19:39:32
2024-01-14 19:40:04
Ariana Grande’s “yes, and?” is currently pacing a #2 debut on the Billboard Hot 100.
2024-01-14 19:40:14
Jack Harlow’s “Lovin On Me” is on pace to remain at #1 for a fourth time on next week’s Billboard Hot 100 (dated January 27th), leading by approximately 8% in overall points.
2024-01-15 14:16:39
yes and AM已經跌到落Lovin on me後面
2024-01-15 20:37:37
唔到你唔承認Olivia Rodrigo已經係當今女歌手Tay之下第一人
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞