IZ*ONE曹柔理以外討論區(140) 1118鴨鴨港場!鴨源周合作準備中?

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SBS歌謠大戰 2023
MC 真
2023-11-22 19:57:00


Q. Even though you said you aimed to become an idol, did you ever receive opposition from people around you?

Hitomi: When I first signed up, my parents weren't really worried about that, but when I told them I was going to audition in Korea, they were very worried. I didn't know Korean, and I was an active high school student and went to an ordinary school, so there were things like [How do I do that?] and other things.
But I don't think you'll know unless you try something...


Q. How did you study Korean?

Hitomi : Hmm... I did it myself,
but I think the biggest thing was the information I received from the members around me. Also, when I read something like a Korean drama with Korean subtitles, and when memorizing words, I would wonder if something was in front of me, such as a plate, or what would I say in Korean?... I gradually memorized it like that.
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