《哈利波特》JK羅琳重申「跨性別女≠女性」 願為發言坐牢

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2023-10-30 13:48:29
Gender study 101
Gender =\= Sex
2023-10-30 13:56:17
2023-10-30 13:58:05

我覺得廁所果啲有esun 紙都可以用
2023-10-30 14:02:04
2023-10-30 16:44:51
2023-10-30 16:49:08
2023-10-30 16:58:41
2023-10-30 17:01:35
2023-10-30 17:12:56
i can see your attempt in addressing the inequality between “men” and “women”, and in trying to break the constructs that are forced upon each of us
you mentioned the biological ground, being the social construct (and of course it is) that contributed to inequality further
i guess it would be more accurate to say the meaning that we attach to such biological ground, which is basically the mess we created, “gender” in other words, and how people, as we have more new ideas and concepts. maybe it is how we perceive “sex” and its associations in each of our minds that need to change.
instead of changing the system blindly, we have to think about why it has to change, and it way it should change, in order to create a world we all are content with at our best. do feel free to let me know if i misinterpreted anything you said
2023-10-30 17:53:59
我淨係識 布笑, 露黑齒
2023-10-30 18:07:48


2023-10-30 19:50:12
It’s more of a thought experiment… then you might be able to start seeing things more clearly and we could start some actual critical thinking…

There’s no right or wrong way to interpret my words, but I do think they are quite thought provoking - obviously those who benefit from the status quo are likely to remain silent and are likely to hate how I keep poking at it
2023-10-30 19:52:48
2023-10-30 20:02:15
I get what you mean.

The benefits some people have from the gender system will not be in effect unless we allow them to be.

One simple example is how both female and male members (if not all) think that when it comes to carrying heavy things, no matter whose they are, it would have to be the job of the male’s. This can start to change when the female has the awareness of it, and counteract on it, i.e. carrying their own things instead of simply relying on the male’s power.

The presumptions can lose their power, like how you mentioned women are less likely to blame when they infringe men, when many of us possess a reflective mind, after being guided to build such an awareness for it.

The point is we have to be aware of how we use the language, and what it is associated with. Only if we are reflective enough to understand certain entitlement should be dissociated from the definition of sex, we can live in a world that you will be happier about.
2023-11-16 12:32:36


美12歲男童慘遭踢出課室 只因穿了寫著「只有兩種性別」的T裇

2023-11-16 12:38:54


美12歲男童慘遭踢出課室 只因穿了寫著「只有兩種性別」的T裇

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