英國樞密院司法委員會裁定 煽動罪需證明煽惑暴力元素 並正式推翻近獲香港法庭引用的煽動定罪案例

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2023-10-13 22:38:25
43. In Wallace-Johnson v R [1940] AC 231 (a case concerning the interpretation of similar legislation in force in what was then the Gold Coast). At pp 239-240, Viscount Caldecote LC, in giving the opinion of the Board, said that the words of the legislation were clear and unambiguous and there was no warrant for imposing a gloss of an intention to incite violence upon them.

42. It is of some importance to note that the decision [ Wallace-Johnson v The King, is not of assistance ] in Boucher came at a time before Canada enacted the Bill of Rights 1960. Accordingly, the decision [Wallace Johnson case not of assistance ] was reached in accordance with ordinary principles of statutory interpretation, not by reference to a code of fundamental rights.

45. It is also important to note that the decision of the Privy Council in Wallace-Johnson was decided many decades before the “principle of legality” became recognised in a series of decisions by the House of Lords in the 1990s, eg R v Secretary of State for the Home Department, Ex p Simms [2000] 2 AC 115. In one famous formulation of that principle, at p 131, Lord Hoffmann said:

“In the absence of express language or necessary implication to the contrary, the courts therefore presume that even the most general words were intended to be subject to the basic rights of the individual.”

47, the Board is of the opinion that, were such a [seditious prosecution] case to arise, there would be much to be said for the proposition that, applying the principle of legality, and quite apart from any constitutional considerations, the true interpretation of the Act is such that there is implied into it a requirement that there must be an intention to incite violence or disorder. Indeed this appeared to be accepted on behalf of the respondent at the hearing before the Board.
2023-10-13 22:41:37
Doj :話知你我地有郭安髮無案例都入到
2023-10-13 22:43:56
國安法 不容外國 干涉
2023-10-13 22:44:45
2023-10-13 22:46:45
43. 在Wallace-Johnson訴R [1940] AC 231案中(一個關於對當時黃金海岸現行類似立法的解釋的案件)。 在第239-240頁,Caldecote LC子爵在給出的意見時說,立法的措辭清晰明瞭,沒有理由對他們提出煽動暴力的意圖。

42. 值得注意的是,即使在加拿大頒佈1960年《權利法案》之前,布歇案已裁定不採用 Wallace Johnson 案例,是根據普通法定解釋原則達成的,而不是參考人權法決定。

45. 同樣重要的是要注意,樞密院在Wallace Johnson的決定是在20世紀90年代上議院的一系列決定承認“合法性原則”之前幾十年做出的,例如R訴內政部國務卿,Ex p Simms [2000] 2 AC 115。 在該原則的一個著名表述中,在第131頁,霍夫曼勳爵說:


47,司法委員會認為,如果出現這樣的[煽動性起訴]案件,那麼該主張有很多話要說,即,適用合法性原則,除去任何憲法考慮外,對煽動法的真實解釋是這樣的,其中隱含著一個要件,即必須有煽動暴力或混亂的意圖。 事實上,在司法委會員的聆訊上,這似乎是代表回應方(千里達政府)接受的。

Google translate 完求其執
2023-10-13 22:47:17
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2023-10-13 22:51:34
香港特別行政區 訴 古思堯


14. 第一宗案例,Wallace Johnson v The King[3],是樞密院案例,提及煽動罪行中,煽動他人使用暴力並非屬於舉證元素。

15. 另一宗香港案件,Fei Yi Ming[4],法庭亦重申煽動他人使用暴力亦並非控方需要舉證之元素。

16. 於1970年,當時立法局添加一項獨立分枝條文,就是9(1)(f)條,「煽惑他人使用暴力」。

17. 從剛才提及之案例及從加入1970年之獨立分枝條文,可以見到根本煽動控罪中,除9(1)(f) 情況外,從來都無需暴力元素才屬煽動。

18. 再看煽動罪法例,雖然是上個世紀所訂立,但立法之基本目的都離不開保障國家安全、維護公眾秩序等。對於立法之基本目的,直到今日都沒有動搖過。在上個世紀,煽動通常都要透過暴力方式較為普遍,但時至今天之科技,未必一定需要以暴力才可以做到。所以當考慮詮釋時,立法的基本原意是不能改變,但法例的靈活應用範疇就應該與時並進,以貫徹其立法精神。

19. 本席信納煽動罪行中毫無基礎將其詮釋為需要透過暴力,或
2023-10-13 22:51:34
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2023-10-13 23:02:04
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2023-10-13 23:03:01
呢個係 千里達多巴歌 上訴去英國 嘅案件

同埋 千里達 都無刑事起訴
2023-10-13 23:03:21
2023-10-13 23:04:55
2023-10-13 23:21:00

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