Cities: Skylines 自由度最大建城遊戲(15) 新版CS2 10月24日出爐

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2023-10-19 21:26:51
2023-10-19 21:55:30
嘈嘅唔知有冇諗過 Steam Workshop 幾差,其他 game 點做得好啲。當然有啲係 launcher 改善到,但 search 、 sub 、 dl 、 update 等呢啲冇得救,唔好講 crosa-platform。仲有有啲作者啲嘢因為唔同原因冇咗,就會自動幫你 del 埋咁好,整到爛晒。
Mod creator 1365 points 1 day ago*
My $0.02 as a mod creator who's published one or two CS1 mods on the Steam Workshop, and who has also dabbled in other mod distribution platforms and methods:
The Steam Workshop is (one of the) least-worst modding platform out there. But that's a very low bar, and as a mod creator, it's full of frustrations and annoyances. As a mod user, it's also full of frustrations and annoyances.
It's not just technical issues (such as the persistent download problems or the lack of a proper tagging system, or the poor search functions), either. TOS restrictions (especially around branded assets and asking for donations) can be improved (and HAVE been improved on by Paradox in their TOS). Then there's the behaviors enabled (and even implicitly encouraged) by the Workshop system, such as rating bombing, comment trolling, sabotage of "competing" mods or assets via the ratings system, abuse of the 'Most Popular Items' system, and so on.
Even things that seem good on the surface, such as discussions/comment systems, really don't work very well as a content creator, or as an effective support mechanism for users.
And the biggest issue with the Steam Workshop is, of course, that it effectively locks you, and the game itself, into Steam. And that may not seem bad - and hey, I'm a Steam user myself - but even if you're a fully-captured Steam customer who'll never look elsewhere, having competition is a good thing that is probably the only effective way of forcing Valve into occasionally actually improving things. Having CS2 with a full modding platform be available on non-Steam platforms for PC (we already have Microsoft on launch for example, and would open the possibility for e.g. GOG and Epic later on) is only good for the game, good for the general playerbase (even those using Steam), and (above all from my point of view) good for the modding community.
Paradox and CO have learnt from CS1 how relying solely on the Steam workshop for your modding limits the potential for the game. They've also (presumably) learnt from other games how having multiple official modding channels can be a net detriment to both the modding community and players generally, which is why they're not doing Paradox Mods plus Steam.
Will the new Paradox Mods be as good? Well, we'll have to wait to find out, but really, it doesn't even have to be better than Steam - just good enough as a workable alternative. And given Paradox's history, demonstrated track record with support for modding and modders, and my own personal experience with them as a modder: I know that they are, and will continue to be, much more receptive to input and feedback from both creators and players, and much more likely to continually improve and enhance their modding platform (again, for both creators and players), than Valve will ever be.
So from my point of view, even if the initial release of the new Paradox Mods is objectively worse than the Steam Workshop, it's still a better long-term bet for me.
My current intent is that my mods for CS2 will be available only through Paradox Mods; this will obviously be subject to circumstance and actual experience, but based on what I know right now, this is unlikely to change.
Also, to make it clear: obviously I'm currently under an NDA and can't discuss/reveal any details (and no, the NDA does not preclude me from making criticism or reporting concerns or writing opinions or anything like that).
2023-10-19 22:02:11
而且好多人走晒去 Reddit,同埋 Discord 做 support,包括(半)官方。中国又應該有自己平台。 顯示 Steam 都係靠唔住。
2023-10-19 22:09:52
開game好痛苦, 要熄晒啲browser / programs 先玩. 唔係多多Ram都唔夠
搞搞下變咗玩啲冇咁食resource既game, 唔洗close啲工作嘢, 可以玩一陣出返嚟工作

入嚟睇下追post , 睇下人地啲圖 當玩咗
2023-10-19 23:03:13
2023-10-19 23:13:19

仲有有啲作者啲嘢因為唔同原因冇咗,就會自動幫你 del 埋咁好,整到爛晒。

2023-10-19 23:26:04
2023-10-19 23:47:16
好多呢D 驚都係咁
2023-10-19 23:53:44
2023-10-20 00:03:02
2023-10-20 00:07:14
記得最好自己 backup 喇。有時 update 咗都會有變,搞到唔同晒。
2023-10-20 00:10:06
Oxygen Not Included lag 都唔係大關display card事
主要都係關cpu, 佢每個物件都同周邊環境計緊數
2023-10-20 00:14:54
2023-10-20 00:25:32
但換完過機 係慘過 要熄晒啲programs先玩 一百萬倍
2023-10-20 00:31:22
我都有睇吓嘅,想整asset 但係做做下停咗
2023-10-20 01:18:11
係Editor 未有,但有啲試 Closed Beta 嘅好似已經準備好即刻出作品。期待有啲咩。
2023-10-20 01:47:24
As is normal, provided you have a Paradox account, you can subscribe to mods. Subscribing will cause the mod to be automatically downloaded and installed on your computer. When that mod later has an update, it will also be automatically kept up to date. Subscriptions are portable across platforms (Steam, Windows Store, Playstation, Xbox, etc.), meaning you can play with the same configuration of mods on any platform that you own the game on. Be aware that code mods may not be possible to enable on consoles however!
In order to facilitate the conversations and discussions between users and creators, mods can be connected to forum topics. This means that all of the features available on the Paradox Forums can be used while discussing mods. Pins, topics, future planned features, and different active conversations can all be delegated their own thread.
Game Support​
Since a mod may have been made to support a specific version or versions of the game, Paradox Mods gives the mod creator the option to tell the players what version of the game the mod is intended to work with. Naturally, Paradox Mods won’t prevent you from playing with “incompatible” mods, but it will tell you when you are about to try!
Since many of our games go through quite significant changes with most big DLC releases and/or Free Updates, and some users like playing old game versions, Paradox Mods also supports downloading older versions of a mod. This will allow you to play with mods targeted at non-current game versions. That means that if you, for some reason, don’t want to play the latest version of the mod, you can revert to an earlier version. The version check discussed in the previous paragraph will also be active if you were to accidentally (or on purpose) select a version of the mod that is incompatible with your game.
Mods sometimes depend on other mods for functionality (like Harmony Mod in Cities: Skylines (1), for decoration (a tree or a prop), or for memes (looking at you “Ability to Read”), and we also support this type of relationship in the Paradox Mods system. If you subscribe to a mod with dependencies, you’ll be given the option also automatically to subscribe to those mods.
As a bonus feature of this, collection mods can be created as basically empty mods containing only dependencies.
Users with completely different mod setups (maybe one for your east-asian style and one for your cute French cottage-core set) can use the playset feature, where entire blocks of mods can be activated as a unit. Playsets are entire setups that will ensure that dependencies are fulfilled. Playsets are, of course, cloud-synced and portable between your devices.
Each subscription will belong to a given playset - This means that you can add collection mods to different playsets and, in this way, quickly build different experiences to your liking.
For some games, the order in which mods are loaded is important. In such cases, the playset will also allow you to set the order in which you want the mods to be loaded. By default, mods with dependencies will load after the mods they depend on.
In order to make searching mods easier, up to ten tags may be attached to a mod. The game team will define these - An initial set will be made for the launch of the game, and more may be added later on. Search results can be filtered on what tags you want the mod to have. Some examples would be to filter on “highrise”, “modern”, “office”, or maybe “collection”, “French”, or ”cottage”. You can then apply sort orders such as “most recent” or “highest rated”.
2023-10-20 02:22:42
2023-10-20 02:31:25
有埋 mod versioning 已經贏晒 Steam。不過都遲咗,1佢就冇搞 Steam Beta,只可以人手阻止出 DLC 時 update。
2023-10-20 02:40:31
睇佢都係有plan過, 唔係臨時決定
但我唔係咁想開Paradox account
2023-10-20 03:05:32
見reddit好多人話refund 4090 1440p mid 都係得30fps
2023-10-20 03:05:55
2023-10-20 07:25:53
要用low 玩
7800x3d +4090 都係差唔多
仲差過2077 optimize
2023-10-20 07:36:53
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞