「屌,你想食咗我隻車咩」 呢句野點樣同鬼妹表達?

228 回覆
7 Like 45 Dislike
2023-08-02 00:17:40
fuck, fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
2023-08-02 00:30:22
u wanted to take everything from me?
2023-08-02 00:33:00
2023-08-02 00:46:13
2023-08-02 00:59:56
Wow, why don't you ask for my car for free?
2023-08-02 01:04:13
Fuck, you want to eat my car?
2023-08-02 01:19:04
Shut up I am gay
2023-08-02 01:20:16
2023-08-02 01:22:46
Dude I dun hv money buy car ah
2023-08-02 01:26:14
The Cantonese phrase "屌,你想食咗我隻車咩?" is vulgar and offensive. It uses explicit language and is considered highly disrespectful. It can be translated to English as "F**k, do you want to steal my car?"
I advise avoiding the use of such language and maintaining respectful communication.
2023-08-02 01:34:58
2023-08-02 01:41:10
dude, come and fuck my ass
2023-08-02 01:41:11
Just ride on me and then I will give you a ride
2023-08-02 01:48:07
How dare u eat my car?
How could u suck my dick?
2023-08-02 02:04:40
Damn, do you want uber eat?
2023-08-02 02:19:28
2023-08-02 02:23:10
Fuck ya mum, you whore, really wanna eat my car in stead of the meat hanging between my legs?
2023-08-02 02:24:29
Hey good morning . You want suck my smelly dick in car?
2023-08-02 02:27:41

2023-08-02 02:29:23
好撚on 9
2023-08-02 02:41:33
2023-08-02 02:45:08
You’re bleeding me dry!
2023-08-02 03:10:38
You want car vibration?
2023-08-02 03:19:18
Bae U want that huh
2023-08-02 03:47:39
diu?you want to diu my car?
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