computer science 多維度排名

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2023-07-31 22:04:47
Pg cu=ust>hku>=cityu > others
cu computer vision方向勁到癲,ust就好全面,絕大多數field都幾好。

Ug 教學 ust>=cu>others
論 theory 同深度,cu應該係最勁。科大就teaching staff特別多,pratical同theory嘢都Balance得比較好,course project質素較高。港大雖然係百年名校,但係cs department好細,好多course都開唔齊。真係要學嘢唔係一個特別好嘅選擇。

普遍學生出路 hku>ust>cu salary report fg mean30k 27k 21k,無需再講。

頂尖學生出路 ust == cu >> hku 純論讀上去或者acm,icpc呢類比賽,cu係真係好好。ust 尖子學術應該略輸,但係真心搵好l多,普通cs max普遍去到9xk,ddp median可以去到50x, max 則年年都過6位數,今年癲到350k。科大好多制度都係將資源集中俾班尖子,成個制度近似養蠱,最終班蠱王都真係可以搵好l多

2023-07-31 22:38:47
2023-07-31 22:39:46
2023-07-31 22:40:59
Mu 呢?
2023-07-31 22:41:53
2023-07-31 22:42:37
2023-07-31 22:43:23

# Institution Count Faculty
1 ► Carnegie Mellon University closed chart 18.4 166
2 ► Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign closed chart 14.2 116
3 ► Univ. of California - San Diego closed chart 11.9 117
4 ► Tsinghua University closed chart 11.6 130
5 ► Massachusetts Institute of Technology closed chart 11.2 95
6 ► Georgia Institute of Technology closed chart 10.5 139
7 ► ETH Zurich closed chart 10.4 49
8 ► Stanford University closed chart 10.3 69
9 ► University of Michigan closed chart 10.1 99
10 ► University of Washington closed chart 10.0 80
11 ► Univ. of California - Berkeley closed chart 9.6 90
12 ► Cornell University closed chart 9.5 83
13 ► University of Maryland - College Park closed chart 8.5 86
14 ► Peking University closed chart 8.3 135
15 ► Northeastern University closed chart 7.7 80
16 ► Shanghai Jiao Tong University closed chart 7.5 155
17 ► National University of Singapore closed chart 7.4 71
18 ► University of Wisconsin - Madison closed chart 7.3 72
19 ► Columbia University closed chart 7.1 57
19 ► KAIST closed chart 7.1 94
21 ► Purdue University closed chart 7.0 74
21 ► University of Texas at Austin closed chart 7.0 49
23 ► University of Toronto closed chart 6.9 92
24 ► University of Pennsylvania closed chart 6.8 73
25 ► University of Waterloo closed chart 6.6 93
26 ► Max Planck Society closed chart 6.4 42
27 ► Princeton University closed chart 6.1 58
28 ► EPFL closed chart 5.9 62
29 ► University of Massachusetts Amherst closed chart 5.8 63
30 ► New York University closed chart 5.7 62
31 ► University of Southern California closed chart 5.5 60
32 ► Univ. of California - Los Angeles closed chart 5.3 42
32 ► Zhejiang University closed chart 5.3 108
34 ► HKUST closed chart 5.2 51
34 ► Stony Brook University closed chart 5.2 60
34 ► Tel Aviv University closed chart 5.2 47
34 ► University of Chicago closed chart 5.2 46
38 ► Univ. of California - Irvine closed chart 5.1 74
38 ► Univ. of California - Santa Barbara closed chart 5.1 37
40 ► Technion closed chart 5.0 73
40 ► University of Edinburgh closed chart 5.0 81
42 ► Rutgers University closed chart 4.7 49
42 ► Seoul National University closed chart 4.7 51
44 ► Chinese Academy of Sciences closed chart 4.6 76
45 ► Chinese University of Hong Kong closed chart 4.5 45
45 ► Duke University closed chart 4.5 48
45 ► Univ. of California - Riverside closed chart 4.5 49
48 ► Nanyang Technological University closed chart 4.3 57
48 ► Northwestern University closed chart 4.3 46
48 ► Pennsylvania State University closed chart 4.3 61
48 ► University of British Columbia closed chart 4.3 60
2023-07-31 22:43:54
你問下hku cs prof夠唔夠膽話research勁過cu ust,可能nlp算係幾好?
2023-07-31 22:44:20
# Institution Count Faculty
1 ► HKUST closed chart 5.2 51
2 ► Chinese University of Hong Kong closed chart 4.5 45
3 ► University of Hong Kong closed chart 2.9 27
4 ► City University of Hong Kong closed chart 2.6 38
5 ► The Hong Kong Polytechnic University closed chart 2.0 17
6 ► University of Macau closed chart 1.8 16
7 ► Hong Kong Baptist University closed chart 1.7 16
2023-07-31 22:44:27
2023-07-31 22:47:23
Pg cu=ust>hku>=cityu >>>>hkbu

Ug 教學 ust>=cu >>>>hkbu

普遍學生出路 hku>ust>cu >>>>hkbu

頂尖學生出路 ust == cu >> hku >>>>hkbu
2023-08-01 01:51:31
2023-08-01 08:54:51
2023-08-01 09:01:14
根據我in過嘅HKU嘅人嚟講 佢地唔止80分吹到87分
佢地可以講到自己咩都識 又拋到D keyword出嚟 但問深啲就個知最多係睇過wiki簡介嘅level 就好似人肉chatGPT咁

不講講明先 我做埋D普通公司 最頂尖嘅hku人唔會嚟in我地 唔一定準
2023-08-01 13:17:31
Pg cu=ust>hku>=cityu >>>hkbu>>>>>mu

Ug 教學 ust>=cu >>>hkbu>>>>>mu

普遍學生出路 hku>ust>cu >>>hkbu>>>>>mu

頂尖學生出路 ust == cu >> hku >>>hkbu>>>>>mu
2023-08-02 09:17:20
2023-08-02 09:28:01
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞