【MOT - 征戰英冠】列斯聯 2023/24 英冠討論區 (25)

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2023-08-15 12:50:23
2023-08-15 12:52:44
2023-08-15 13:02:56
如果佢博到上季留到級, 班友仔賣又好續新約又好都有著數
2023-08-15 13:05:09
2023-08-15 13:11:42
2023-08-15 14:18:08
Luke Ayling v Siriki Dembélé wasn't pretty. Luke Ayling v Cody Drameh will be interesting. Both men with a year left on their deals. No sign of a new one for Drameh yet, and of course Leeds tried to buy another right-back last week.

2023-08-15 14:19:19
2023-08-15 14:23:26
2023-08-15 14:33:32
2023-08-15 14:46:34
根本用番d 細路好過
2個英甲level 既隊長最多俾佢地輪換
2023-08-15 18:14:57
Phil Hay explains why Leeds players have loan clauses in contract
But, Hay has explained why these clauses are in the contracts – and it makes sense, somewhat. The Leeds wage bill, which was a huge £10m a month last season, has been reduced dramatically, Hay claiming it has been halved.

Some players have seen their wages, following relegation, reduced by a huge 60%. That has allowed Leeds to be compliant with Financial Fairplay, and save money. But, to get players to agree, the loan clause has been included.

Swings and roundabouts. It is a quick, sure way of reducing what was a wage bill far too expensive for the second tier of English football. Now, it is at a manageable state. But, it means we have lost a chunk of players, for nothing.
2023-08-15 18:16:42
毒毒單獨訓練中 [Phil Hay]
2023-08-15 19:49:28
Been informed #Tottenham are keeping an eye on Wilfried Gnonto situation at #Leeds. Everton still seen as the frontrunner but Spurs not too far behind. The Italian wants to leave ASAP. #THFC

kane 筆錢
2023-08-15 19:56:36
2023-08-15 20:59:19
2023-08-15 21:02:11
2023-08-15 21:20:40
2023-08-15 21:22:57
2023-08-15 21:51:15
型番次得唔得 價唔靚最多攬炒放落u21
2023-08-15 22:19:44
其實應該請撚伯 用佢關係博車仔借人嚟救命
2023-08-16 15:14:51
Leeds want to keep Leo Hjelde despite reports of an imminent move to Salernitana, this week. (YEP).
2023-08-16 20:45:30
Farke: "The group is too small in numbers. We're working behind the scenes."

Hjelde got concussion in training so he's out of the West Brom.

Greenwood is avaiable again. #lufc

2023-08-16 20:49:49
Daniel Farke talking at his pre-West Brom presser.

"We spoke openly about it would be a bumpy August and that there are exit clauses in contracts. It's not professional to speak about it but the closer we edge to the end of the window, the more control we are in."

Farke implying that certain release clauses might have expired in the past few days.

Confirms that Gnonto, Sinisterra and Costa are training away from the main squad, and are not in the main dressing room as it stands. #lufc

某啲release clauses已過期
毒毒 sini Costa 單獨訓練並驅離更衣室
2023-08-16 20:50:23
Farke says Sinisterra's situation is different to Gnonto's.

Sinisterra had exit clauses in his contract. "For that he was not available for the last game. Until everything is clear, he won't train with the group because his mind can't concentrate fully on football." #lufc
2023-08-16 20:51:31
Farke says there are legal aspects to the contractual situation with Sinisterra. Waiting for the outcome of those. Different to Gnonto in the sense that Gnonto has no release clause. #lufc

吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞