Task 4
Emoji? Dark side?
Doctor Anthony => cs prof at hku
1) Vlamir… use brackets to indicate to show happiness in xxx yrs?
Shigitaka: 90s designers create the first set, much further create the whole collection of emoji
Definition: emoji is a pic tht is use in textjng to convey and im emotion or idea
Photograph cannot be an emoji
Must be a drwan picture
Most popular: face throwing a kids?
1) teenagers who are flirting
2) married couples to show confession
World committee of emoji
1) design what emoji will be created. Committee decide
2) standradised the code for emojis for communication technologies.
Darker side:
The committee has so bad
1) has too much control -> have limits for ppl who show their emotions and expressions
2) the committes are all middleaged and white. Cannot represent the diversities of ppl from different cultures and backgrounds
3) work of committee is not opened to public => will lead to suspicion