多倫多生活討論區 62

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2023-03-13 22:04:46
Day care. You can't leave your child at home without adult.
2023-03-13 22:22:31
2023-03-13 22:23:56
2023-03-13 22:25:02
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2023-03-13 22:33:14
2023-03-13 22:33:17
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2023-03-13 23:30:23
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2023-03-14 00:13:08
Complementary room
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2023-03-14 00:42:56

Visiting Banff in May? Here’s All You Need to Know
February 10, 2023 by Natasha

Home » Banff » Visiting Banff in May? Here’s All You Need to Know

Banff in May
If you plan on visiting Banff in May, you have picked an excellent off-season month. Banff in May isn’t your typical time to visit Banff. The month is far from warm in the Canadian Rockies, and you’ll still be dealing with snow. The ski resorts are still running for the first half of the month. It’s not quite the best time to visit Banff, but it’s getting there!

It’s not summer, and it’s not the white winter wonderland everyone loves either. Out of all 12 months, I would say that May ranks 10 behind all the great summer, fall, and winter months. Only November and April are worse in my mind (just being an honest local!) Don’t worry, though, the Rockies are always fantastic, with plenty of things to do.

That being said, Banff in May is tranquil compared to the summer months, and you’ll be able to explore many areas without the hassle of the crowds. You’ll get some sunny days and may feel brave enough for shorts. As long as you’re prepared for varying weather, you’ll have a great time and be able to score some shoulder season deals too!

Things to Know Before Visiting Banff in May
What’s the Weather Like in Banff in May

Early May in Canmore
Things start to get pretty lovely in Banff in May. Temperatures are increasing, and the sun shines over the land. There can still be a dusting of rainfall in May, especially in higher altitudes (which is then snow), but generally, this is what you’d call pleasant weather for the Rockies. The high for the month floats around 15°C.

So is there snow in Banff in May? Absolutely, but it’s melting at a lower elevation. Banff Sunshine and Lake Louise Ski Resort are still open until mid-May, among the longest-running ski seasons in North America.

You might get the very odd powder day too, but in general, expect spring riding conditions (soft slushy snow and not many layers).

The glacier lakes will not be thawed yet, so if you’re coming to Banff expecting to see the amazing blue lakes, you should wait another month. It’s not the best time to visit Lake Louise. The access road to the iconic Lake Moraine is not open yet, so you’ll have to return in June to see her in all her glory.

As mentioned, rainfall in May increases to about 50mm – still not that much. At high elevations, this means snow-capped mountains. At lower elevations, you’ll be reaching for a rain jacket.
2023-03-14 00:59:38
2023-03-14 01:14:29
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2023-03-14 01:23:03
2023-03-14 01:25:39
2023-03-14 01:27:06
2023-03-14 01:29:56
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