DSE 作文Introduction 求評二

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2023-02-08 23:22:35
2023-02-08 23:43:48

Have you ever wondered why Asian singers and movie stars are popular in Western countries?Perhaps it is fueled by cultural differences.In recent years, Asia style like Korea is becoming increasingly commonplace.It is not unusual to see people like following stars and buy the star merchandise whom they like. However, other Non-Asian stars' popularity demonstrated a drop in the phenomenon. Therefore, some pointed out that this popular by no means a good culture promotional, which would menace their local culture. Despite of the various polarised comments from the general public, I qualify pointed out that Asian culture will not be bane in the Western countries. This article will illustrate how Asia culture benefits in Western countries from 3 perspectives, including X,Y and Z

能否Lv 2

In recent years 之後好似要用has been becoming?

利 得3 有錯屌細力啲
2023-02-09 00:01:10
Has been increasingly common?
2023-02-09 00:01:50
*has become
2023-02-11 00:40:51
2023-03-22 23:43:15
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