而家竟然因為一套濱田時代嘅BA The Rock完全主導 有Henry 客串5秒 結果唔收得就決定total reboot
全球經濟衰退2022-12-25 11:37:35
我覺得第二套dceu電影黎講呢個成績係可以接受,但問題係death of superman story line係suppose好大既事件黎,當時漫畫一出果時迴響係好大,電影出到黎明顯冇呢個效果,所以搞到分化咁大,後面JL越行越遠
Ginlau2022-12-25 11:38:55
Spectre公認係failure嚟 (Sony had expected the net profit of the film to be around $38 million had it performed to the same level of its predecessor, but it earned 20% less than Skyfall.)
阿阿阿阿閃2022-12-25 11:43:18
問題係班高層無心經營DCEU 只想急工搵錢 亦都無一個合適嘅監制去睇住Zack Snyder
一套電影要BVS Death of Superman仲要出WW 拍完剪走30分鐘(為左上多幾場)反而”why did you say that name”果幕睇完試片竟然無人叫佢剪走