[為國捐軀] 利物浦 對 曼城 6

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2022-12-01 10:59:24
Former England defender Stuart Pearce:

“The starting point with the togetherness is Jordan Henderson.

“I had him as my captain at Under-21 level, he plays a massive part in togetherness with this group of people. You can see it from the outside.

“I’ve seen it for a number of years now, the manager’s galvanised it and the players have bought into it and led it. They look as though they really enjoy each other’s company.

“He’s driving it on and getting us over the line. When he came on in the USA game we were flat as a pancake.

“We’re not privy to see what goes on on the training pitch and around the camp and how he leads it and at his club but I tell you what he drives it as much as Gareth Southgate, make no mistake about that.

“He’s played his part today, he’s probably had more influence on the game than Jude Bellingham. But we want Jude Bellingham in the team because we think there’s improvement.

“You need a Jordan Henderson around every football team in world football, I’m telling you.”

2022-12-01 11:00:30
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