
1001 回覆
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2022-10-31 05:15:42
2022-10-31 05:20:06
2022-10-31 05:23:26
2022-10-31 05:26:28
my neighbour
2022-10-31 05:33:07
2022-10-31 05:33:50
2022-10-31 05:34:32
落bluff 咁斜點踩返上去?
2022-10-31 05:35:50
柚皮? 未見過
2022-10-31 05:36:13
2022-10-31 05:37:46
2022-10-31 05:41:23
2022-10-31 05:41:39
2022-10-31 05:51:08
2022-10-31 05:57:03
咁又係。 如果隻浣熊大搖大罷喺街道, 好可能係有瘋狗症
2022-10-31 06:10:32
將心俾己。 好多靠tips維生㗎。 你可以選擇唔去餐廳食嘢。 坐得低, 就唔好計較咁多啦。"坐低比一杯水, 落order, 上野食" ---唔通要餵埋你咩
2022-10-31 06:13:10
2022-10-31 06:19:33
野生+尖牙+大咬合力 敬而遠之
2022-10-31 06:20:36
2022-10-31 06:27:36
tips我覺得係extra的 我唔介意畀 但
Don't take it for granted
出糧是老細嘅責任 你可以賣貴啲 但唔好轉嫁畀消費者
2022-10-31 06:27:58
Rabies shots include:

A fast-acting shot (rabies immune globulin) to prevent the virus from infecting you. This is given if you haven't had the rabies vaccine. This injection is given near the area where the animal bit you if possible, as soon as possible after the bite.
A series of rabies vaccinations to help your body learn to identify and fight the rabies virus. Rabies vaccinations are given as injections in your arm. If you haven't previously had the rabies vaccines, you'll receive four injections over 14 days. If you have had the rabies vaccine, you'll have two injections over the first three days.
2022-10-31 06:31:22
出糧是老細嘅責任 -

Thier minimum wage is LOWER because they receive "tips"


TORONTO - Ontario announced the minimum wage for bartenders and servers will jump from $12.55 to $15 per hour on Jan. 1.

Currently, the minimum wage for this group of workers is lower because they receive "tips or other gratuities as part of their work," according to the province's minimum wage breakdown.
2022-10-31 06:46:25

吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞