Better Call Saul S6 Final Season 劇情討論區 (6) 終極大結局 Saul Gone

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2022-08-17 09:09:27
2022-08-17 09:10:02
2022-08-17 09:13:01
2022-08-17 09:15:33
2022-08-17 09:24:33
86 yers ….
2022-08-17 09:24:42
2022-08-17 09:24:45
2022-08-17 10:13:34
講經咩明明係Jeff想in the game先
2022-08-17 10:18:08
2022-08-17 10:26:12
Jimmy's future story according to Bob Odenkirk

Q: How does the story continue in your head? When do they see each other next?

A: I think she comes to see him! I think she comes to see him once a year — every other year at the least. And I think he helps a bunch of guys in prison to get out who are innocent, or he helps shorten their sentences. He gets treated really well. And I don't think he gets out early…-ish. I don't think he gets out. I don't know what kind of dispensation they have for an 80-year-old, but I believe they have some, once you get to be that age where you can do something else. But I think he's kind of the king of the prison because he's a really, really good lawyer and a great lawyer for the kind of people in there. And he puts that to good use, probably even does some good work, like, genuinely good work. And then I think they see each other and I think he thinks she should stay married to that guy and have a life. I don't know what she does, though. She doesn't seem very happy at the water place.
2022-08-17 10:27:13
今次仲配埋黑白底 成件事好epic
2022-08-17 10:29:37
但係saul 撩佢捉佢心理
2022-08-17 10:34:47
2022-08-17 10:36:49
2022-08-17 10:38:52
2022-08-17 10:46:52

Saul gone, jimmy is back
Self defense 完 原本有得減刑
但Jimmy寧願面對自己 攬曬上身
7年加到86年 但係贏番黎既係Kim bb既respect
唉 又完一套神劇 好撚唏噓呀屌
2022-08-17 10:54:11
In the last scene of the finale, there's so much distance between them, and two security fences. He shoots her the finger guns, which carry significant weight on the show. What strikes you about that being the final image, her walking away and looking back at him? Did those finger guns signal their everlasting connection and/or "What a ride it was"?

Well, we shot a couple of different iterations —- including ones where she shoots finger guns back at him. It was very small and not animated or with a smile, but still — in the end, Peter decided that it looked too much like they were saying, "Kim is back in the game," and we really didn't want to give that impression. That moment between them, to me, is much more about the acknowledgement of their bond, that is still there, and the part of their relationship that was true.

It's very purposely left to interpretation of exactly like you said. Is this him just saying, "Man, we had a great run and it's okay"? Or is it him saying we're still great together. And we could still do something together. We could still legally do something together. [Laughs] I took it to mean that he was saying, "I still believe that we have a relationship." In whatever capacity that is. Even though the finger guns are representative of the beginning of this horrible downfall scam with Hamlin, for me, in the moment — because he does it in a very different way — it felt like, "There is still something great about us. Not everything about what we were together is bad. There's something great about the two of us together." And I took her look to him to be an acknowledgement that it's true, even though she's not ready to say what that means.
2022-08-17 11:11:03
yes 打火機個火隱喻Jimmy重生
2022-08-17 11:14:34
2022-08-17 11:26:07
2022-08-17 11:29:55
2022-08-17 11:31:11
監獄反而成為最啱佢既歸宿 係d犯先真心專重佢
2022-08-17 11:32:34
佢個D才華小聰明走精面 係監獄就啱哂
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