Better Call Saul S6 Final Season 劇情討論區 (6) 終極大結局 Saul Gone

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2022-08-18 02:29:25
2022-08-18 03:06:13
2022-08-18 03:48:50
2022-08-18 04:08:24

2022-08-18 04:41:50
I fucked Ted !
2022-08-18 04:49:54
但知道真係完了 好失落
2022-08-18 05:01:17
嗰幾個表情 都睇得出係Jimmy講中
Chuck唔係真係想同佢傾只係禮貌上Small talk

認真啲睇你根本發現佢完全唔care jimmy
Chuck 真係好戲到痴撚左線
2022-08-18 05:13:22

2022-08-18 06:49:13
點解係藍色花既點解係代表pure love to father?
2022-08-18 07:00:13
好撚煩 阻住哂追po
你唔同意既回應一兩次 解釋一兩次咪夠

2022-08-18 07:06:33
2022-08-18 07:42:35
屌 嘈撚完未 你兩條撚樣
2022-08-18 07:51:16
2022-08-18 08:16:54
2022-08-18 08:37:34
實際係妒忌 恐懼自己唯一嘅野比自己細佬追上
2022-08-18 08:57:39
嗰兩條友親自演繹jimmy vs chunk? 煩到
痴線拗到 之前都係飛過佢算 依家連續嘈成幾頁都有 真係忍唔到block咗
2022-08-18 09:59:07
我自己唔係讀Law,更加唔熟美國Federal Legal System,不過reddit上面呢篇野都講得幾好:
-- Saul's proposed defense of duress is kind of ju-jitsu genius, because it uses the strength of the government's case against it. To borrow a phrase from Saul, the government's case is that Saul was the Tom Hagen to Walter's Vito Corleone. It would show that Walter was unspeakably evil and Saul facilitated that. Well, the more evil that the evidence makes Walter look, the more believable it becomes that Walter forced Saul to do it. In such a trial, Marie's grieving widow testimony would help Saul -- it would show that Hank had no clue that Walter was Heisenberg until the very end; that Hank's medical bills were paid for out of drug money; that once Hank found out, Walter tried to blackmail him; and that when blackmail didn't work, Walter was present when his brother-in-law was murdered. Those facts would all bolster Saul's claim that Walter was a charismatic evil genius who forced him to participate.

I know a defense lawyer who represented a man who kidnapped and threatened his business partner, believing that the business partner was about to betray him. The defendant pleaded an insanity defense. The prosecutors kept emphasizing how the business partner had never betrayed or hurt the defendant, which the defense lawyer used against them to argue that only an insane man would believe that this business partner had done him wrong. The defense worked and the man was found not guilty by reason of insanity.

Saul would have run into problems with his defense, because duress requires the defendant to show that they went to the authorities to report the crime as soon as they were able. To use an example, if I hold you at gunpoint and order you to drive a car full of drugs to a Walmart parking lot, the defense of duress requires you to either call the police or drive to the police station as soon as you are no longer in immediate danger. Saul would have a difficult time arguing that he had no opportunity to contact the authorities during the 16 months he worked with Walter. But this would have given the government some big headaches.
2022-08-18 10:00:42
2022-08-18 10:33:31
你哋可唔可以去另一個post 嗌

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