
1001 回覆
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2022-08-03 03:23:59
The last supper, 2022, 真人
2022-08-03 04:19:51
invent a single Ancient Chinese word means “Hong Konger”
2022-08-03 04:23:31
lovers, many stars, pier, sea, music, hug
2022-08-03 04:24:19
Fall of the Berlin Wall in future Hong Kong
2022-08-03 04:26:05
a combination of 1984 and brave new world, pandemic, zero policy, social credit system
2022-08-03 04:28:25
matrix, meta verse, desire, free will, virtual reality, 1997 -2047
2022-08-03 04:30:45
spaceship teleport to another multiverse with different physics law
2022-08-03 04:33:09
all animals walk by two foot and live together with harmony, they have their own language and can use tools
2022-08-03 04:36:16
Son Goku, ultra instinct, asian, real person
2022-08-03 04:39:01
less than nothing
2022-08-03 04:39:21
more realistic than surreal
2022-08-03 04:45:38
show me how other Earth may look like


show me how a person live in 5th dimension under the projection from 8th dimension
2022-08-03 08:46:30
10 years old boy having explosive diarrhoea on a bus. He pooed into a white lunchbox.
2022-08-03 11:37:06

岩岩第一次試discord diffusion,差唔多粒幾鐘
2022-08-03 12:14:02
2022-08-03 12:16:46
係呀嗰兩個女仔都係AIGen, 你覺得似唔似真人?
如果你覺得似m to a certain extend, 其實已經pass咗圖靈測試
2022-08-03 12:19:19
2022-08-03 12:23:58

2022-08-03 12:24:59

試咗幾次效果都 一般,有冇啲咩新諗法?
2022-08-03 12:33:45

2022-08-03 12:35:48
呢個睇落似其他巴打講嘅 discord diffusion
2022-08-03 12:36:19
A Chinese emperor standing in modern day London wearing sunglasses and smoking cigar with whiskey in hand contemplating life
2022-08-03 12:42:32
a realistic photo of a white stray cat with a scars standing on top of the mountain trying to catch a meteor

2022-08-03 12:42:52

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