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2022-05-27 22:46:49
係咪講香港嘅law school?

係冇醫療科grad entry program咁competitive,但應該有排都未到有錢就讀得嘅地步
2022-05-27 22:50:08
話哂要半工讀,仲要係law school,畢到業都已經好好
2022-05-27 23:19:46
冇錯,讀緊law,讀到好似覺啲case law唔關自己事咁
2022-05-28 22:28:20
有冇人報過英國U既online master llb
我見university of essex 都有開
2022-06-06 15:02:05

1. 對我背景嚟講難(對師兄未必)律師的思考模式係需要訓練出嚟, e.g. IRAC,睇見師兄你醫療科目出身,logical thinking 可能已有底子,能適應法學院節奏,所以唔會太過難讀。

2. roughly speaking, private law (e.g. contract, property, tort, trusts, family) and public law (e.g. constitutional, admin, criminal, tax)..等等。

3. 絕對有,具備法律知識同思維可以令你更具立體思考,即會考慮regulations/ordinance/internal guideline 同時用reasonable person, causation, foreseeability計劃下一步或逆向思考。

4. 無論係Juris Doctor定Graduate diploma定UOL,考試叻 (e.g. predicted first class honour),pcll係會穩入。舉例,HKU PCLL 網頁寫道: "We will give out early admission offers...to strong candidates who are able to show us sufficient academic results." AND "we will divide applicants into 3 groups: the 'top' group who, on their relative academic merits, will certainly get a place. We will issue offers as soon as practicable."

雖然網頁沒有說明什麼是strong candidates,什麼為之sufficient academic results,但以上文下理可以infer出,學校以成績為考慮依歸,成績越高,便會有pcll位繼續讀。反之,成績普通嘅同學(the "middle" group)就要等到所有同期最叻嘅學生攞曬位,再爭奪餘額。



此外, 如果讀MBA or MS/PhD in 醫療科類,會唔會對你事業/外國生活有更好出路 ?
2023-11-24 12:31:26
hello ching 小弟都係傳理出身一直都想讀法律 所以最近就考慮緊讀返個JD.. 唔知可唔可以tg同你交流下? id: belugawhatever
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