想問下申請485 visa 個health insurance (OVHC) 要寫 period covered by health insurance 應該點寫
因為OVHC 係每個月咁續 Thanks!
佛系上班族2022-05-30 20:17:59
人怕出名豬怕肥2022-05-30 22:54:33
誠實逗黑鮑2022-05-31 12:04:40
“If you are lodging an Expression of Interest for a 190 visa: Provide evidence of full-time post-qualification employment (minimum of 35 hours per week) over the past 6 months in Queensland in your nominated occupation immediately prior to submitting your EOI.”
想請問我而家係Permanent Part Time但工種要求,基本上要OT然後每個月都起碼番140個鐘(除番開都>35個鐘per week),Payslip可作證明,可唔可以照遞EOI,還是一定要白紙黑字寫係Full Time Contract?