由巴, 唔好意思又嚟打攪你,
The requirement for graduates of VET courses to nominate an occupation from the skills occupation list will be temporarily removed from 1 July 2022 till 30 June 2023. This means if your client studied any Diploma or Advanced Diploma in Australia for at least 92 weeks and finished their course before June 2023, they can obtain a 485 graduate work visa for 2 years.
想請問依 92 weeks 可唔可以用兩個唔同嘅科累計??
即係可唔可以一年翻譯 + 一年按摩??
亦或一定要相關課程?? or 要同一個課程讀92 weeks??
Thank you 由巴 同 眾巴絲