[2022DSE CHEM化學]問答討論區

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2022-03-21 17:43:51
2022-03-21 19:44:45
2022-03-21 20:19:22
想請問enthalpy change of reaction 係咪一定會講係邊reactant/product
因為例如 2AgNO3 + Zn -> Zn(NO3)2 + 2Ag
呢條個enthalpy change per mole of Zn 同 AgNO3係唔一樣
如果唔會講明邊隻做計量的話, 其實enthalpy change of reaction究竟係咩
2022-03-21 22:10:08
2022 dsers 加油
2022-03-22 12:07:56
按照條equation 既stoichiometric ratio 咁樣行一次個reaction
所產生既enthalpy change

你可以參考2012 Paper 1B 8 c ii
入面提到既reaction (2)

2AgNO3 + Zn -> Zn(NO3)2 + 2Ag
當 2 moles AgNO3 react with 1 mole Zn , 產生 1 mole Zn(NO3)2 同 2 mole Ag 既時候, 所產生既enthalpy change
2022-03-22 13:59:18
好呀感謝您 因為我見外國有啲題目係per mole of某隻/product reactant 嘅 enthalpy change所以有少少confused
2022-03-22 15:04:45
用你呢個reaction嘅例子就係計緊per mole of Zn帶黎嘅enthalpy change
2022-03-23 20:24:09
2022-03-23 20:34:14
除左係講緊關於standard enthalpy change of ____ 個陣 然後佢要你用chemical equation去輔助你個解釋個陣 先會唔洗化
因為呢個時候係限死左有一隻野1 mole

例如話standard enthalpy change of combustion of octane
因為你隻octane限死係1 mole 所以其他reactant/product 就有機會係 mole expressed in 份數
2022-03-23 20:42:51
2022-03-24 23:50:25
想問add a few drops of lemon juice to sodium carbonate powder 點解唔可以答the solid dissovles?
答案係 colorless gas bubble form
2022-03-24 23:52:57
我諗係真正做實驗個陣最明顯嘅observation會係colorless gas bubbles evolve
當然solid dissolve係有發生 但最major見到嘅會係gas evolve
2022-03-24 23:55:58
無乜做過實驗 真係憑空想像
2022-03-25 22:01:36
我覺得應該係答Chemical changes-related observations,而唔係physical changes-related ones。即係formation of new substances先係observations, chemically say
2022-03-25 22:23:26
咁放舊Mg 落acid 度嘅observation 我唔可以寫 Mg dissolves ?
2022-03-26 13:20:54
首先Dissolve/dissolution係一個physical change,eg salt (NaCl) can dissolve in water (due to formation ion-dipole interactions),而Mg (a metal solid)唔會dissolve 喺任何solvents, i.e. Mg is insoluble in water or non-polar solvents,你見到Mg冇咗,係因為Mg REACTS with acid, with formation of H2,所以“Mg dissolves”喺chemistry 角度黎講唔正確。
2022-03-26 18:50:57
唔係問你有咩chemical change

我相信中一都已經有教observation 有好多樣
睇到 / 聽到 etc
你將table salt dissolve in water 嘅observation 就係table salt dissolve
如果照你邏輯,上面個例子就係冇observable change ?
2022-03-26 22:55:29
我所講嘅observations,係強調緊一般大眾理解同chem exam所要求嘅分別,Observations一般理解當然係睇到/聽到 etc,但chem exam marking scheme有時就係唔接受solid dissolve,eg lemon juice+ sodium carbonate powder,所以我會用chemical changes係解理 chem exam所要求嘅observations。

所以NaCl(s) dissolve in water,我係覺得chem exam 唔會咁出題問有咩observations,而係會問anhydrous CuSO4(s) dissolve in water之類。
2022-03-27 09:06:14
chem exam marking scheme有時就係唔接受solid dissolve

2022-03-27 09:11:36
2017 1B 6c 己經接受Cu dissolve
2022-03-27 09:13:46
2022-03-27 10:18:30
題目係話 add a few drops of lemon juice to sodium carbonate powder
即係好多powder , 但好少solvent
情況同你拎一包鹽, 加2滴水入去 一樣
睇佢有冇dissolve 真係難d 既
但colourless gas bubbles evolved就明顯D囉

其實講observation 真係好多
你見到既marking scheme
heat release
你覺得你呢一題答 heat release 拎唔拎到分?
2022-03-27 19:46:48
dse一直都係接受去講metal dissolve呢樣野
題目重點係個observation 而唔係個reaction
佢都可以答到舊Mg dissolve左/有gas evolve
係唔需要去諗到底Mg本身自己係咪會dissolve in water呢樣野
2022-03-27 19:49:31
知唔知咩係 Chemical changes-related observations
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞