但呢d理論,好多時都係做比較有用(Q1),或者有個結果後再去解釋(Q2),唔會直接問某salt溶唔溶(Q3),因為以上兩個能量,確實數值唔會知,只係會知大約邊個較高,或者根據結果,直接屈某個數值高過某個 (或者有更advance方法predict數值,歡迎指出)
Q1. Why MgSO4 is more soluble than PbSO4 ?
Q2. Why PbSO4 is insoluble?
Q3. Is PbSO4 soluble or not?
Q1. Resulting hydration energy is higher (more -ve)for Mg2+, as its radius is smaller than Pb2+ and it has higher charge density. (Although ionic bond in MgSO4 is stronger and its lattice energy is higher (more +ve) than PbSO4, energy released by hydration should overcome energy required for lattice breaking and the overal enthalpy change of solution should be more -ve for MgSO4)
想問electrolysis of dilute H2SO4, discharge O2
係咪話position of OH- lower than that of SO4 2- in E.C.S.
so OH- will be preferentially discharged.
點解我見有人話OH- ECS 高過SO4-
禾愛化學2022-04-03 22:56:06
係OH-高過SO4 2-
不過與其記position 不如直接記OH-係stronger R.A. than SO4 2-
月巴B2022-04-03 23:19:33
禾愛化學2022-04-03 23:25:22
呢個表你只係見到SO2係stronger R.A. than OH- (SO2高過OH-)
而唔係SO4 2-係stronger R.A.
S-orbital2022-04-05 07:56:18
I) For comparison of RA, position of OH- is higher that of SO42- in ECS, so OH- is preferentially discharged.
II) OH- has a stronger reducing power than SO42-, so OH- is preferentially discharged.
第一個electrolysis of K2SO4 本身K+同SO42-兩樣野都無辦法reduced/oxidized, 實際上係electrolysis of water with K2SO4 electrolyte
第二個應該相反, Conc.MgCl2(aq),
H+ reduced Cl- oxdized
係個electrolytic cell入面HCl無出現過