又唔係efficiency is king
手巴同同事們都屌上手啲code readability = 0
Pattern既問題唔係efficiency 而係誤用同overuse導致efficiency又無 readability又無
手巴講清楚 手巴既立場係
Readability >>> efficiency >>> pattern
Focus on efficiency本身係偽命題 稻草人
既然”apply pattern”本身既目的係易讀 易交流 降低出錯率
咁就唔好XY problem咁拘泥於pattern 而係針對返本身既目的
Pattern想達到既野 手巴完全認同 手巴係唔認同pattern係解決問題既方法
When you understand what you want to have, the way to do it is so trivial that you don’t call it applying pattern, it’s just the natural way