RKLB Neutron待射區(2)

982 回覆
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2023-02-25 11:48:03
2023-02-25 12:00:41
引用返Peter Beck
“Aspirations are easy to sell, execution is always the absolute measure and there is often a little too much of one and not enough of the other in the industry.”
2023-02-26 09:14:21

Helicopter recovery似gimmick同止蝕,未必做咁多small launch
2023-02-26 15:54:56
官方聲稱by the end of 2024, Test flight 就應該OK嘅,launch customer payload 就應該2025啦
2023-03-01 07:31:47
Rocket Lab Australia

Rocket Lab USA, Inc. (Nasdaq: RKLB) (“Rocket Lab” or “the Company”), a global leader in launch services and space systems, today announced it has established a new wholly-owned subsidiary, Rocket Lab Australia, to explore opportunities to support the expansion of Australia’s national space capabilities.
2023-03-01 13:21:13
覺得主要係用嚟攞澳洲政府或基金d fundings~
2023-03-03 06:56:39
正式放棄Helicopter Recovery

In comments during a Feb. 28 earnings call, Peter Beck, chief executive of Rocket Lab, said the company was weighing recovering stages from the ocean and refurbishing them for launch rather than catching a stage with a helicopter, something that the company attempted twice, unsuccessfully, last year.

2023-03-09 01:55:23
2023-03-10 17:08:26
Scrubbed la
2023-03-11 12:27:26
2023-03-12 08:29:30

RKLB: 阿偉係度嗎
2023-03-16 08:39:58
2023-03-16 14:09:08
2023-03-16 22:40:16
又跌而家又唔玩 recovery,係咪淨返 neutron 值得期待
2023-03-17 08:21:31
2023-03-17 13:38:24
邊有唔玩recovery 如果佢可以做到water recovery 一樣效果 會仲好過helicopter recovery,係擔心在water recovery之後 啲engines可以重用幾多次

helicopter recovery 始終難度高 人為失誤margin大 而且比天氣情況限制左

2023-03-17 13:39:39
正常營運姐Ching Apple 出新iPhone又唔見佢升
2023-03-17 13:44:52
正確黎講34次 with 88% success rate
2023-03-17 14:01:45
91% 先啱
2023-03-17 14:11:35

Virgin Orbit is to pause operations from Thursday in an apparent attempt to shore up its finances.

Almost all employees at the satellite launch company will reportedly also be furloughed.

Bosses told staff about the move at a meeting on Wednesday, saying a further update would be provided next week.

吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞