7 Reasons Your New Kitten Might Not Be Eating
There are lots of considerations to make when getting a new kitten - and what to feed them should be a major thought!
A tasty meal can help your kitty feel settled, happy and give them the energy they need to grow and play all day! When you first adopt your pet, it’s often best to find out what food they are already used to eating, and serve that for a while to minimise changes and stress while they settle into life with you.
But what can you do if your new furry friend seems off their food? There are lots of reasons that your kitty might turn their nose up at a delicious dish, such as stress, illness or otherwise. However, as kittens are so small - and need lots of energy to stay healthy - it’s important to quickly identify why your kitten has lost their appetite and seek veterinary help if they don’t eat for 24 hours or more.
1. They don’t have a routine
Kittens need to eat regularly to support their growth and energy needs! And while some owners may want to leave food out for their cats all the time, having food to graze on won’t help your pet develop a clear routine - or could cause your kitten to under or over eat.
To ensure your kitty is only hungry at the right times, create a feeding schedule and keep to this routine. Kittens of around 8 weeks old should be fed three to four times a day, reducing this at 12 weeks to three times a day - in the morning, middle of the day, and again at night just before bed time.
Keep in mind that kittens will often want to use the litter tray straight after eating so this is a great time to reinforce some litter tray training!
2. They’re not used to the food
You can feed your kitten either dried food, canned food or a combination. However as we’ve mentioned, feeding your kitten the same food that they are already used to will help to limit their stress as they adjust to life with you.
If you do want to change their food, make sure any adjustments are gradual - slowly mix the new food with the old and transition over a few days so that your pet doesn’t have a sudden change, feel stressed, or go off eating altogether. Making occasional changes to your pet’s diet, up to 4 times a year, can also add some variety, help you discover their favourites and prevent any dietary issues or allergies.
If your kitty still seems reluctant, try warming their food for a few seconds in the microwave - heat will release the scent of the food and entice your kitty to eat up! Always make sure that the food isn’t too hot before serving it to your kitty - don’t make the food piping hot, just warm!
Nice Grey Kitty
3. They don’t like the location
Cats and kittens can be particular about where they like to eat their food! Make sure their food and water bowls are positioned somewhere quiet, accessible and away from their litter tray or loud appliances such as the washing machine. To help your kitten adjust to their feeding routine, make sure you always feed them in the same place. That way they won’t be confused or go off of their food.
4. They have already eaten too much!
Knowing how much to feed your kitten at each meal is important to make sure you’re not underfeeding or overfeeding them! If your kitten is still too full from their breakfast, they may turn their nose up at their lunchtime meal. To figure out what’s best for your pet, look at the instructions on your kitten’s food label. There should be a quantity range, dependent on your kittens size. Start by feeding in the middle of this rage. If your kitten finishes their food quickly, and easily eats more at the next sitting, it may be time to increase their serving size. But, if your pet hasn’t finished their food after 15-20 minutes, or struggles to eat again at the next mealtime, you may be feeding them too much and you should cut down on portion sizes.