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2021-11-26 01:55:53
Should You Bathe A Cat After Adoption?
Justin JasonJUSTIN JASONJUNE 19, 2021CAT CARE & BEHAVIOR You saw that cute kitten’s eyes at the adoption center and knew it was love at first sight. After signing the papers and taking a closer look, you noticed that your new pet isn’t quite as clean as you expected. So should you bathe a cat after adoption? We did the research and consulted with animal experts to give you the answer to that question.

You might need to bathe your new cat after adoption if the feline is near other animals while staying in the shelter. Bathing will help remove the harmful bacteria and germs that latched onto your new pet. Otherwise, a bath might not be necessary because cats generally like to clean themselves.

A domestic yellow cat bathing, Should You Bathe A Cat After Adoption?

Do I Need to Bathe a Cat After Adoption?
A 2018 study from the College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University states that cats like to spend about 50% of their waking moments licking and grooming themselves. This hygienic activity stems from different generations of felines as the complex nature of the cat’s tongue can help remove certain substances from their fur and skin.

Therefore, it might not be necessary to bathe your cat after adoption because the animal already cleaned their body countless times before you signed the acceptance forms. You can still bathe your new pet if the cat has been around other animals in the shelter for extended periods. For instance, cleaning your new cat can help remove flea infestations. Additionally, old or sick felines may need assistance to clean and groom themselves.

How do You Clean an Adopted Cat?
First-time cat parents might find it confusing and challenging to clean an adopted cat. Take note that cleaning your cat properly needs the right tools and procedure.

Here’s a list of what you’ll need:

Cat-friendly shampoo
Shower or a large bucket with warm water
Detangling brush
Directions to Clean An Adopted Cat
Beautiful Scottish tabby cat takes a shower
Brush the cat thoroughly to remove accumulated dirt.
Use a detangling brush to remove knots.
Gently hold the cat’s nape to hold them down while carefully wetting the body with warm water. Use your wet hand to wipe the pet’s face with water. Don’t splash water to the animal’s face as the liquid can get into their eyes, causing pain and discomfort.
Soak the animal’s body with cat-friendly shampoo. Massage the product in circles to ensure it penetrates deep into the cat’s fur.
Rinse the body to remove the shampoo completely.
You can also call a friend or household member to help bathe your cat. However, if the animal shows aggression, especially if it’s your pet’s first bath, make an appointment with the vet. It’s because possible hostility might be coming from a past trauma, which the veterinarian can provide proper solutions to help you in assisting your feline.

How do You Dry a Cat After a Bath?
After rinsing your cat, dry the animal by using clean towels. You might need to use more than one towel to dry your pet completely. Start by wrapping the animal in a towel and gently rubbing their skin and fur. Use another towel if the first towel becomes damp and the cat is still fairly wet. Then, use a hairdryer at the lowest setting to help remove the excess moisture on the animal’s body while giving the fur extra volume.

When Can I Bathe My Adopted Cat?
You can bathe your cat upon taking the pet home. Doing so can help remove fleas, germs, and harmful bacteria on the animal’s fur and skin while they were in the shelter. However, if the cat was recently neutered or spayed, don’t bathe your kitty as soon as you take them home. Otherwise, the incisions may open, increasing the risks of infection.
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