In order to enhance transparency, for instance, the HKMA requires banks to maintain adequate communication with customers and endeavour to assist customers in taking steps or
providing alternatives that can help satisfy the CDD requirements.
所以我即刻打去問 有冇野需要交比佢去證明我平時啲transaction冇問題 結果又係話final business decision hea9我
唔知咁樣算唔算adequate communication呢
On the Member's suggestion for banks to refrain from adopting a one-size-fits-all approach, it should be noted that the HKMA has been reminding the banking industry that in implementing robust regulatory measures,
they should take care that the access of banking services by legitimate businesses and ordinary citizens should not be unreasonably impeded. Specifically, instead of adopting a one-size-fits-all approach, banks should conduct CDD measures in a proportionate and pragmatic manner having regard to the different backgrounds, circumstances and risk levels of customers.
乜都冇做過 無啦啦close account又冇原因 算唔算係unreasonably impeded?