2022 Summer internship/ Placement (3)

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2021-11-05 00:40:00
G04係我freshman個陣住宿個房號 你去開嘅話我好驚驚
2021-11-05 00:40:17
2021-11-05 00:44:38
唔緊 乜G04都可以重複
2021-11-05 00:45:11
可以啊 叫佢慢慢research下 有咩想知就問啦
2021-11-05 07:59:43
2021-11-05 08:13:24
客咩氣 我都唔知有無offer

加油ching 繼續報
2021-11-05 08:39:35
係可以寫CV 但唔驚人地唱咩 ref check一check就知佢中途resign 同埋都唔荒有ref letter
2021-11-05 08:47:37
reference letter有啲公司會照出 你可以問翻HR 1個月唔知有冇 不過EY翻兩個月都會照比
同埋big 4 audit一年請咁多人 今年年頭EY都成十幾個UST一齊辭職啦 唔通HR咁得閒唱曬咁多人咩
再者其實通常intern就好少ref check 除非特別情況 如果唔係manager in咁多人 當請十幾個 都冇咁閒一個一個打電話ref check
2021-11-05 08:47:45
2021-11-05 08:50:59
Citi commercial 咩情況
早幾日去左個investment horizon成班海龜
乜comm bank都咁難入咩
2021-11-05 08:51:26
2021-11-05 08:56:22
好睇公司越大要求越高,細fundhouse / PE year 1 都請
2021-11-05 09:12:33
呢啲event本身都係local又會join 海龜都會join架啦
comm bank對比fo唔難入嘅 始終請得多人 不過人工來講citi comm bank grad analyst都30k up 加上係tier 1 ibank你都預競爭唔會太細啦
2021-11-05 09:29:53
2021-11-05 09:31:50
好, 交換下情報
2021-11-05 10:12:48
One ABC in my group, native speaker, Uchicago, intern experience in Goldman, why apply for citi commercial???
2021-11-05 10:17:01
his internship experience in goldman might be back office or some other middle office, or he might have not received a return offer (GS ROs are competitive even if you get the summer analyst offer)
plus he might be really devoted to commercial banking u never know
2021-11-05 10:18:30
there are a lot of reasons to it, i.e. he might've worked in GS in nyc but he wants to come back to HK or he knows someone in citi and is being referred to the position
做好自己就得啦 uchicago abc GS都唔一定請既 可能manager覺得overqualified呢
2021-11-05 10:21:49
Just received pwc risk consulting offer
2021-11-05 10:26:43
2021-11-05 10:34:17
好睇你點睇同埋自己Career path 想點
2021-11-05 10:37:38
如果以internship作為stepping stone來講
想入MBB做consultant就有用既 consulting field來講除左MBB Oliver Wyman Accenture個啲 big 4算brand name好既
不過以後想翻banking/finance既話 我覺得翻big 4 audit同consulting其實差別不大 除非講緊好似PB/Sales呢啲好重focus係對客戶方面啦
grad job來講consulting人工會高過audit少少 不過都唔係話高好多
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞