2022 Summer internship/ Placement (3)

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2021-11-03 12:01:58
已知jpm 既gfbm 同 wholesale payment 出左ac
2021-11-03 12:02:36
citi 好似出左interview invitation
2021-11-03 12:08:58
早兩日先收到wpb minimum benchmark email係咪冇機會有ac
2021-11-03 13:36:42
Hase有apt test, before HR interview and after CV screening
2021-11-03 13:42:56
我上年報都冇apt test 可能今年加咗
2021-11-03 14:02:23
我今年都冇apt test喎
2021-11-03 14:08:34
2021-11-03 14:10:42
話說 如果有人有hsbc ibd或者ms snt消息都可以講聲thanks!
2021-11-03 14:12:32
Summer or off cycle?
2021-11-03 14:15:30
both laaa
2021-11-03 14:16:15
Off cycle hsbc seems offer out jor
2021-11-03 14:16:38
FID placement superday released
2021-11-03 14:19:02
for ibd? :o
2021-11-03 14:19:40
ahh when release?
2021-11-03 14:20:49
earlier this week la
I wrote IED essay too and hvnt heard back
2021-11-03 14:22:32
2021-11-03 14:23:24
think so cuz they hv three divisions (snt, brm, pb) so maybe takes longer
2021-11-03 14:27:36
希望placement請多啲 唔好好似hsbc咁
不過話時話 都幾遲interview
1月開始返工 11月先interview in完出offer仲要做BG check 好chur
2021-11-03 15:02:50
2021-11-03 15:03:56
do u mind telling me when was fid essay deadline?~
2021-11-03 15:08:37
2021-11-03 15:09:00
2021-11-03 15:12:17
2021-11-03 15:21:30
FIG as in?
2021-11-03 15:22:49
i think IED was the same too but maybe theyre doing superday for FID first then IED
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