有無想一齊練下英文 用英文傾計

47 回覆
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2021-08-17 01:52:37
覺得自己讀完書之夜英文好廢 想搵人練下
多人就開個tg gp練下
2021-08-17 01:57:11
2021-08-17 01:59:29
Guten Tag
2021-08-17 01:59:35
Why didn't you just start English conversation at #1?
2021-08-17 01:59:50
2021-08-17 02:00:32
because i am batman
2021-08-17 02:01:58
I am the night
2021-08-17 02:02:54
i go to school by bus
2021-08-17 02:03:36
No bullshit let’s go
2021-08-17 02:04:23
Sorry and thank you for reminding me to practice more starting from now on!
I m looking for someone who want to practice English with me.We may use telegram for the practice or even open a group (if many members would like to join) please add me if u r interested.
2021-08-17 02:04:47
hey bro are you small dick?
2021-08-17 02:06:26
What’s up my nigga
2021-08-17 02:07:44
Are you free tonight?
2021-08-17 02:08:06
Save..... Mar....tha....
2021-08-17 02:10:34
lm 有興趣
2021-08-17 02:10:54
2021-08-17 02:15:20
Why not both?
2021-08-17 02:19:18
+1,之前搵過啲language exchange forum都好似冇乜人想換粵語
2021-08-17 02:21:11
可以約埋揾間coffee shop一齊練
2021-08-17 02:23:24
eat so cheap
2021-08-17 02:31:56
2021-08-17 02:36:41
Me dou yao interest ar
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