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2021-08-11 20:28:20
2021-08-11 20:28:51
2021-08-11 20:31:01
2021-08-11 20:44:11
2021-08-11 20:45:11
2021-08-11 20:51:39
Remind 囉噉,再唔係就叫加強。可以話 Informatory sign 係譯得唔好,台灣同日本都係用「指示」。
2021-08-11 20:53:32
右指嘴點u turn
2021-08-11 20:54:31

Traffic signs may also be used with traffic lights to qualify the meaning of the green light
2021-08-11 20:56:35
2021-08-11 21:00:39
2021-08-11 21:06:05
因為左線地下寫咗 「九龍東、九龍西、北角、中區」而右線地下寫咗「九龍中」
應該可以捉ber….. $450唔洗扣分
不過楂咁耐未見過捉 最多繁忙時間有隻狗企喺到指唔俾行 未見過咁樣入會抄牌
2021-08-11 21:06:43
其實 有路口 係 只有右箭嘴 但係可以 u turn….
2021-08-11 21:08:38
2021-08-11 21:10:30
呢個位 係 可以u turn
2021-08-11 21:14:56
呢啲係 informatory 嘅 destination marking,唔係 regulatory 嘅 arrow。正如切線要罰係跟實白線,唔係跟「選定行車線」
2021-08-11 21:21:13
2021-08-11 21:24:27
The traffic signs 131 and 132 indicate respectively that left turning movements and right turning movements are prohibited. Whilst the use of T.S. 132 would normally imply that "U" turns are also prohibited, if a "U" turn is specifically to be banned traffic sign 133 "No U turns" should also be erected. However to avoid sign proliferation the use of traffic sign 133 in these circumstances should be limited to those locations where "U" turns are or are likely to be significant. The signs 131 and 132 may be used in conjunction with traffic light signals and bollards, as well as on their own. Supplementary plates that may be used with these signs are :
2021-08-11 21:28:46
The traffic sign 133, indicates that the making of "U"-turns is prohibited, and should, if used at a junction, be located in its immediate vicinity. At traffic signal junctions, it may be appropriate to incorporate the sign in the signal head, using a 300mm diameter internally illuminated sign, usually to the right of the signal aspects. If the restriction is to be imposed over a long length of road, the traffic sign 133 should be positioned at the start of the restriction together with a supplementary plate indicating the distance over which the restriction applies e.g. "For 2 km". At the termination point of the restriction, an "End" plate should be used in conjunction with the sign. Repeater signs will be required after each point of entry from a side road and additionally at appropriate intervals. As a guide, the spacing of repeater signs for speed limits in Table may be used. Where the distance plate is repeated, it should be amended to accord with the remaining distance over which the prohibition applies.
T.S. 133
(T.C. 123)
It is relevant to note that Regulation 42 of the Road Traffic (Traffic Control) Regulations does generally prohibit the making of 'U'-turns if they are likely to obstruct other road users. Therefore the use of traffic sign 133 should be limited to those locations where persistent "U"-turns are a potential danger or may seriously obstruct other traffic. Over-use of signs such as this in situations where enforcement may be difficult only brings the sign into disrepute.
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