暫時睇啲Master都要求final year gpa 75%
偏偏我final year take minor 爛咗gpa
係咪就算我有second up hon都冇用
十蚊三個杏加燈2021-06-28 05:00:16
我bachelor 會計,希望master可以轉科
CNTower2021-06-28 06:03:20
Do you have an accounting degree?
CNTower2021-06-28 06:23:05
don't take the 75% GPA as a cut off.
You can provide reasons why your GPA is lower. I can think of at least two good reasons.
2019- HK government persecuted young protester and caused disruption on your studies, then 2020 Wuhan virus followed by HK National security law ...
You put the above in your explanation and you may get a different treatment