EDF said there was a build up of noble gases in part of the cooling system of the plant's number one reactor. The gases were collected and treated before being released into the atmosphere in "accordance with regulations".
The unnamed spokesman told AFP the gas leaked after the coating on some of the fuel rods deteriorated. Fuel rods are sealed metal tubes which hold nuclear materials used to fuel the nuclear reactor.
台山個設計應該係fuel rod唔會直接掂到cooling water, 即係xenon係正常情況下會係fuel rod內堆積而唔係cooling system入面
所謂既「泄漏」xenon, 應該係個cladding/end cap有問題所以會漏氣, 同埋
同埋我淨係搵到係講xenon, 無講係xenon 135定係136, 如果係你講既equilibrium state 應該係xe 136係最終產物, xe 135大約有90%係neutron capture轉去xe 136, 另外10%係beta decay 轉去Cs135, Xe136 half life去到 2.165×10^21 year, 你唔排走佢梗係會累積
Xe-135 poisoning started to accumulate on the fuel rods and the thermal power kept decreasing to 30 MW. The control rods were withdrawn accordingly to increase neutron reactivity and hence the thermal power. This eventually caused the reactor to become thermo-hydraulically unstable. The complications occurred after that could not be rectified even after reinserting the control rods. The improper handling of the reactor during Xe-135 poisoning by lowering the thermal power at levels insufficient for neutron flux to burn up the Xe-135 was the trigger for the following consequences.
Xe-135可以達到eq. 產生率係要附合幾個條件, 爐芯功率過低係唔一定會燒得曬全部既xe-135, 你一開大個爐又會製造大量既新Xe-135, 你個初期neutron flux唔夠又係開唔著個爐, 同時仲accumulate更多既xenon係度
你如果學過differential equation就知呢d互相影響既反應對initial condition好sensitive,所以正常程序係熄爐換芯再用返standard procedure開機, 但睇怕共產國家永遠出事果陣就唔會跟SOP做野, 呢樣先係我地最驚既野
chernobyl個design係為左平所以用果隻design,你都識講係正常操作下唔會出錯, 但問題係意外永遠都係一堆錯誤操作做成, 所有問題都愈早解決愈好