如果出嚟做嘢普遍啲公司有insurance plan 比你,單身嘅話大約每個月要比$150左右就有保險。當然有保險唔代表所有嘢包晒,每次睇醫生都係要比一兩百。美國嘅醫療保險主要用嚟包大野。我之前有個親戚生cancer,保險基本上包晒大部份手術化療嘅錢,佢最後淨係需要一千美金左右就搞掂
窮人讀書唔使錢唔知你喺邊度聽返嚟。至少我之前屋企冇錢大部份大學學費都係自己借政府錢讀。Pell grant 最多政府都係比幾千蚊你。但係美國大學閑閑哋一年都兩萬蚊,幫得幾多
Your eligibility is decided by the FAFSA. Students whose total family income is $50,000 a year or less qualify, but most Pell grant money goes to students with a total family income below $20,000. The total amount of Pell money available to colleges is determined by government funding. Students who do receive the grant often get less than the maximum amount.
Sonaldo2021-09-01 08:10:57
點做到below 20000美
小膠粒2021-09-01 09:52:23
Pell grant maximum amount 係$6500。美國大學平均一年需要兩萬蚊,即係你自己都仲要比萬幾美金出嚟。唔係免費讀書,除非成績好/運動好大學有全額獎學金比你