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2021-07-19 06:31:06
2021-07-19 06:33:22
治安排除East Palo Alto,downtown San joe, Oakland 其他都幾好

講咗咁多雜區, 點解唔提 Downtown San Francisco 既 Tenderloin Neighborhood 呀?
2021-07-19 06:45:02
2021-07-19 06:53:16
2021-07-19 07:02:15
2021-07-19 07:02:58
SF係完全列入狗也不屌範圍 就算我住好啲嘅區都無用 行兩三條街又一堆homeless一堆屎尿 SF好難搵位泊車有時要被迫行一段尿屎路
South SF就唔同 邊個想住SF我建議South SF
2021-07-19 07:31:20
Depends on which borough in NYC.
I was there for 18 months and it was really hard to find parking around Time square and China Town.
2021-07-19 07:40:15
2021-07-19 08:00:01
I remembered Lombard Street,
Known as the “Crookedest Street in the World, sand dollar, Japan Town, Golden Bridge and China Town. A great place to visit.
2021-07-19 08:03:20
2021-07-19 08:26:57
而家USCIS食哂屎,幾十萬backlog因為支肺積左係度,K1 visa有幾個地區我知道同美國政府打緊官司
2021-07-19 08:30:33
2021-07-19 08:32:25
2021-07-19 08:57:35
2014 California Proposition 47
Proposition 47
November 4, 2014

Criminal Sentences. Misdemeanor Penalties. Initiative Statute, also called The Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act on the ballot information guide.
Location California
Proposition 47, also known by its ballot title Criminal Sentences. Misdemeanor Penalties. Initiative Statute, was a referendum passed by voters in the state of California on November 4, 2014. The measure was also referred to by its supporters as the Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act.[2] It recategorized some nonviolent offenses as misdemeanors, rather than felonies, as they had previously been categorized.

The crimes affected were:

Shoplifting, where the value of property stolen does not exceed $950
Grand theft, where the value of the stolen property does not exceed $950
Receiving stolen property, where the value of the property does not exceed $950
Forgery, where the value of forged check, bond or bill does not exceed $950
Fraud, where the value of the fraudulent check, draft or order does not exceed $950
Writing a bad check, where the value of the check does not exceed $950
Personal use of most illegal drugs (Below a certain threshold of weight)

The measure's main effects were to convert many nonviolent offenses, such as drug and property offenses, from felonies to misdemeanors. These offenses include shoplifting, writing bad checks, and drug possession. The measure also required that money saved as a result of the measure would be spent on "school truancy and dropout prevention, victim services, mental health, and drug abuse treatment, and other programs designed to keep offenders out of prison and jail."
2021-07-19 09:07:09
South SF成日都大霧,你鍾意霧咪去嗰度住,想冇霧就住再南少少
2021-07-19 09:10:26
2021-07-19 09:10:45
Rivian 個offer 差左d 喎
2021-07-19 09:14:47
再落d 揀san mateo,foster city 住啦
2021-07-19 09:17:46
2021-07-19 09:18:29
其實自從covid之後,大部份嘅violent rate係跌嘅
Hate crime petty theft嗰d就加咗
2021-07-19 09:21:09
2021-07-19 09:21:55
2021-07-19 09:32:14
Oakland 都要睇你指邊區,Piedmont,Rockridge,Montclair 呢d絕對唔差

但你係指china town,west oakland,近機場個d 就無野好講
2021-07-19 09:34:39
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞