
1001 回覆
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2021-06-20 01:39:38
2021-06-20 01:41:10
2021-06-20 01:53:03
2021-06-20 10:22:07
Daily Caller
2 小時
Hardline Muslim Cleric Allegedly Behind Mass Executions To Be Iran’s Next President
2021-06-20 10:40:56
AZ AUDIT – Spox Randy Pullen: “The Report is Going to Come Out and There’s No Doubt that it Will Be Challenged”
June 19, 2021, 5:30pmby Jordan Conradson
2021-06-20 10:41:39
2021-06-20 21:49:19
2021-06-21 01:02:53
Daily Caller
16 分鐘
56 House Republicans Call On Biden To Fire Harris From Border Crisis Role
2021-06-21 01:08:08
Daily Caller
37 分鐘
Biden, G7 Offer No Real Sanctions To Back Up Covid Investigation
2021-06-21 08:34:24
2021-06-21 12:37:41
Pelosi slammed for 'covering for China' by blocking COVID-19 origin probe
Steve Scalise accuses Pelosi of ‘Soviet-style cover-up’ of COVID-19 origins
The U.S. intelligence community said last month it is examining 'all available evidence' on the origin of COVID-19

By Bradford Betz | Fox News
2021-06-21 12:43:28
2021-06-21 13:19:16
Ccp virus
2021-06-21 16:49:55
2021-06-21 16:50:10
2021-06-21 16:50:47
2021-06-21 16:51:04
2021-06-21 17:00:07
依排見完G7同普京 應該又起價
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